19 hot photos of sunny Rio de Janeiro 70s

Outside the window, it is snow and frost, or a terrible cold with slush and rain - winter, anyway, is a difficult period, tiring our eyes and thoughts with dullness. And the heart asks for the sun, the sea, the ringing heat, the heart asks for Rio! If you, like us, think at the end of January that the winter has dragged on too long and you don’t have the strength to endure it anymore, then this post is for you. Maybe not for long, but right now we will be transported to the wonderful, sultry Rio de Janeiro of the 70s. The sun burns mercilessly, the waves of the majestic ocean slowly roll onto the hot beaches, along which tanned people walk slowly. Oh, how I want to be in the place of any of them!

Watch the video: Favorite Films of the National Archives Motion Picture Lab 2016 May 19 (September 2024).

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