18 impressive lunar eclipse photos January 31, 2018 from around the world

If on January 31, 2018 you woke up early somewhere in Northern Russia, East Asia, Australia, the Middle East or the West Coast of the United States, then most likely you were surrounded by complete darkness. And if that was so, then you can consider yourself a real lucky one, because you have witnessed the “heavenly event” that last occurred 150 years ago - the blue bloody moon.

The blue bloody moon is the culmination of several astronomical phenomena at once. One of them is super moon, when the moon is at the closest point to the Earth, it is 14% larger and 30% brighter than the usual full moon. The second phenomenon is the blue moon, also known as the second full moon of the month. And the third phenomenon is a total lunar eclipse. The amazing coincidence of these three states of the moon creates the effect of a dark, boundless void.

For those who could not force themselves to wake up so early or were not in the optimal viewing area for a stunning spectacle, we present a selection of the most impressive images of a blue bloody moon from different parts of the globe. And the second good news is that in order to still see this phenomenon with your own eyes, you and I will not have to wait another 150 years. The next appearance of the blue bloody moon is expected on January 31, 2037. Only some 19 years old, and with your own eyes you will be able to see what we show you now in the photos!

Watch the video: The Real Blue Moon January 31 2018, Next is March 31st 2018! (September 2024).

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