How a Jewish girl outwitted Hitler and became the favorite of the Fuhrer and the whole country

A truly idyllic picture develops when you look at the joint photographs of Adolf Hitler and the little girl Bernardina Ninau. The Führer gave her beautiful edelweiss and treated her to cakes in his villa, and she knitted warm socks for him and wrote touching letters. However, this was so until the leader of the Third Reich knew that he had been deceived and his favorite was actually a Jewish child. But let's start from the very beginning ...

Carolina, the wife of a German retired officer, Ninau, was 7 months pregnant when he passed away. A couple of months later, she gave birth to a girl, whom she decided to give a name in honor of her father - Bernardin. The baby was full of charm, and her face was like an angel. Having lost the head of the family and left with the newborn in her arms, her mother moved to her parents in Munich. Carolina's grandmother was an inveterate Jew, but her new mother realized how dangerous it was to have Jewish roots at that time and that it was necessary to hide her origin in every way.

Then she began to think about how to protect her daughter from the hatred of the Aryans towards the Jews. She was well aware that the Fuhrer often comes to Bavaria, to his villa in the Alps, and being in a good mood, she likes to arrange tea parties for children. All that was left for her was to send little Bernie to the village near Hitler’s residence just before her birthday and pray that the dictator would notice the pretty baby with a doll face and was moved to learn that their birthdays coincided.

The calculation turned out to be correct, and luck was supportive. On that day, the German ruler really arrived at the villa to celebrate his 44th birthday. A crowd of joyful children greeted him with glee, but one blond girl in the front row stood out. Her angelic appearance seemed to the Fuhrer the embodiment of Aryan health and beauty. Fascinated, he hastened to invite the child with his mother to his house, and when he was informed that the baby was born with him on the same day, he showered with gifts.

Events developed in the best way. Bernardine was allowed to come to the main person of the country at any time, and German newspapers trumpeted trumpet that the father of the nation had a little darling. Many pictures were taken of how the girl and the Fuhrer laugh together, talk over tea, or how the "good uncle Adolf" gives a doll. It was safe to say that after this, no one would dare to check the genealogy of little Bernie. It seemed that both the baby and her mother were now completely safe and, moreover, under the care of the Reich Chancellor himself.

Deception could have continued indefinitely if it weren’t for the ubiquitous Martin Bormann, the Fuehrer's personal secretary. Once he became aware of the secret of the birth of Hitler's beloved child, and he became furious. At first, he forbade Bernie to see the German leader, but she continued to write to him, and the Fuhrer immediately dropped everything to give the baby an answer. But when Bormann was finally tired of constant questioning about why Bernardine did not come, he still decided to tell the truth.

Hitler reacted strangely, saying only that there will always be someone who overshadows his holiday. However, they did not touch anyone from Ninau. After all, every German family worshiped photos of her idol with baby Bernie.

So Bernie’s friendship with the father of the nation saved Ninau. And in 1938, the leader of the Third Reich sent his former darling the last letter and the last bouquet of edelweiss.

When the girl grew up, she received a good education and began to work as a draftsman. But, unfortunately, she became ill with polio and could not cope with the disease. Carolina Ninau, however, outlived her daughter much and mourned her beloved Bernie to the last.

Watch the video: How Holocaust survivor Sarah Saaroni outwitted the Nazis. The Drum (October 2024).

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