10 favorite pictures of Richard Bram, one of the best street photographers of our time

One of the most famous and gifted street photographers of our time, Richard Bram, one of the founders of the international community of street photographers iN-PUBLiC, says that he wants to create just good photos and always be ready for something new.

Bram travels a lot, photographing and teaching street photography in many countries of the world, and his photographs adorn the walls of museums in the UK, USA, France and other countries.

Let's look at the pictures that the maestro considers his best works brought from recent travels.

Castro Street, San Francisco, 2016

Pink Crocuses, Los Angeles, 2013

Laundry, Havana, 2016

The Yellow Wall, Havana, 2016

Red Sneakers, Chicago, 2016

Red Tie New York 2012

Eat Fresh, Be Healthy, Brooklyn, 2017

Color Light, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2015

"Shake Shack" (burger name. - Ed.), Brooklyn, 2016

The Smoker, London, 2018

Watch the video: The Reality of Being a Full-Time Street Photographer (September 2024).

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