Simple evidence that flat earth theory is a fallacy

It seems simply unbelievable, but every day more and more fans of the theory of flat Earth appear and new videos are created with "irrefutable" evidence. For them, there is no Antarctica and polar stations, the International Space Station, missile launches, as well as artificial satellites that provide navigation and communication. According to this theory, the Sun and the Moon rotate one after another above the surface of our planet, and thousands of people are busy creating fake satellite images, photos from balloons and videos from orbit, obeying an unknown conspiracy. A special group of "conspirators" are pilots of international flights who hide information about how long it takes to fly over the ocean in the southern hemisphere. People living, for example, in Altai, who with the naked eye can observe the movement of rockets launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, also do not exist.

The abundance of information related to the theory of a flat earth can be confusing even for educated people, because the evidence presented sometimes looks very convincing. But, if you take a little time and analyze the basic tenets of the theory, then everything will become clear even without the use of in-depth knowledge in the field of geography and astronomy. So, we offer a fairly easy to understand material.

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Watch the video: An Astronomer Responds To Flat Earth Theory (October 2024).

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