Space saving or thin calculation: why solar panels are placed on the water

Floating Solar Station in Hyogo Prefecture

Not long ago, Kyocera built a floating solar power station in Hyogo Prefecture. This station is located on the surface of the pond and consists of 9,000 solar panels. The company plans to create a series of similar stations with a total capacity of 60 MW. Placing solar stations on the surface of reservoirs is becoming more widespread around the world. The fact is that such a design provides effective cooling of the panels during operation and protection against overheating. This does not require additional measures, as when placed on the ground. In the case of the Japanese station in Hyogo Prefecture, the station located on the territory of Sakasamaike Pond also saves space, because land in Japan is very expensive.

Of course, the Japanese water station is not the only floating SES in the world. Large facilities are located in Australia, China, the Maldives, India, Brazil, and Korea. One of the largest SES in the world is located in China, near the city of Huai'an.

Floating SES near Huai'an, China

The manufacturing technology of solar modules is rapidly developing, and the production itself is becoming cheaper. As Chinese manufacturers promise, in the coming years, the cost of solar modules may drop by 2-3 times.

Watch the video: Zero Mass' solar panels turn air into drinking water (October 2024).

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