Wall of dinosaurs in Bolivia: how traces of ancient reptiles appeared on a steep rock

Miners and miners often become the authors of the most interesting discoveries made during work. This happened in Bolivia, where in 1985 in the quarry of Kal Orco an incredible rock with numerous dinosaur tracks was discovered.

The fact that this is really something extraordinary, the workers of the limestone quarry near the Bolivian town of Sucre realized right away. Work on the site was discontinued, and unusual traces were reported to scientists. But it took almost 10 years before paleontologists confirmed that this is truly a unique place that needs protection and study.

A quarry called Kal Orco has become a pilgrimage site for all dinosaur lovers. Paleontologists here counted more than 50,000 diverse traces of ancient reptiles that belong to 8 different types of dinosaurs, both carnivores and herbivores. Today it is the world's largest accumulation of traces of extinct reptiles from all known to science.

On a steep cliff 80 meters or more kilometers in length, several trails are laid along which traces of adult animals and their cubs are traced. According to researchers, dinosaurs lived in this area in the second half of the Cretaceous period. It turns out that the animals that inherited here lived about 100-65 million years ago. But how did the footprints of extinct reptiles end up on a steep rock?

As scientists managed to find out, this rock during the Cretaceous was the shore of the lake. Various types of dinosaurs came here to quench their thirst or find food. The moist soil well preserved the footprints of past animals, the rainy seasons gave way to droughts, and the tracks froze. Subsequently, active tectonic movements were observed in this area, which led to the fact that the horizontal surface section completely changed its location and became almost vertical, its tilt angle is about 70º.

This rock is not only a unique place of concentration of traces of ancient reptiles, but also a valuable material for paleontologists. So, for example, according to traces of adult animals and cubs discovered here, scientists concluded that some species of dinosaurs lived with their offspring.

Over time, the rock of Kal Orco acquired a neighbor - the Dinosaur Museum. For greater visibility and attract tourists, a theme park was organized here, which contains various dinosaur sculptures, an observation deck and interesting exhibitions.

Watch the video: Creation Seminar 3 Dinosaurs and the Bible With Subtitles (October 2024).

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