11 bans for Saudi women that are hard to believe

It is said that in Saudi Arabia, women have more bans than rights. Moreover, this applies completely to all spheres of life: from marriage to using public transport. The rules that apply to women in this country are based on the patriarchal laws of Sharia. But is everything really so bad, and how does the beautiful half of humanity live with such restrictions? Let's talk about the most incredible and shocking prohibitions that women have to face in the Arab state regularly.

Women in Saudi Arabia cannot go out without a husband or a male relative - mahram. Only they can confirm her identity and give permission to apply for a job, medical procedures, marriage and more.

From this year, women in Saudi Arabia are no longer forbidden to drive a car, but again their mahras should give permission for this.

Women are not allowed to use public transport. The only exception is the train, but here they can only ride in separate wagons. Most are forced to walk or take a taxi.

Each region of the country dictates different rules on clothes for women. So, in the most conservative, they still oblige to wear a niqab that covers the entire face except the eyes. Clothing itself should be made of dense, opaque fabric that hides the bends of the body as much as possible, and it should cover everything except hands and feet.

In Saudi Arabia, the number of women with higher education exceeds the number of men, but the quality of teaching at women's universities is far from high. In addition, most women still do not work after training.

The number of women in the labor market is only 17 percent. To go to work, local residents will need a man’s permission, and the number of vacancies is limited to those where you do not need to communicate a lot with strangers of a male gender. And employers themselves do not like to employ women, because they will have to equip separate offices and even entrances for them.

Girls in Saudi Arabia are often married even before puberty, because the minimum age for marriage is unlimited by law. Formally, forced marriages are prohibited, but all rights to a child older than 7 years belong to the father, and an agreement between him and the groom is obligatory.

A woman can communicate with her friends only in the female half of the house, which is called "Harim." She is strictly forbidden to enter the male half, and she can only contact her husband by internal telephone.

However, not only the house is divided into a female part and a man's, but also public places: transport, public catering, beaches and so on.

The woman has less rights in everything: during inheritance, she receives half the size of the man, or even is completely excluded from the number of heirs, and in order to file a lawsuit, she needs to bring 6 male witnesses at once.

Violators of laws and traditions face severe punishment. At the same time, they can even be punished for accusing the religious police of communicating with a stranger or an insufficient density of clothing. Reprisals may include lashes, physical violence or a prison term. By the way, a woman can get out of prison only after asking for a guardian.

Watch the video: 11 Prohibitions for Saudi Arabia Women That Are Hard to Believe (October 2024).

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