Stunning thunderstorm shots over erupting volcanoes

Chilean landscape photographer Francisco Negroni is known for his incredible images of extreme weather conditions. His work attracted international attention in 2011, when photos of the eruption in Cordon Caulle became viral and received several prestigious awards. Negroni's pictures are unique in their ability to make incredible and superpowerful manifestations of natural energy practically tangible to the viewer.

Negroni worked as a photojournalist on political news when he had to go on set to shoot the eruption of Ljaim volcano in 2008. Despite the fact that he was not able to photograph the moment of the eruption, this adventure so captured and inspired him that made him change his career direction. Here are the most impressive and memorable photos of Francisco Negroni.

Watch the video: Rare Footage Of Volcanic Lightning (October 2024).

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