9 natural anomalies that prove our world is full of fantasy

No matter how we strive to find a scientific explanation for everything, this is not always the case. It turns out that Mother Nature is still a fanatic and has endowed the world with miracles that, logically, are possible only in science fiction novels, but not in real life. Do you think it will be possible for you to explain the appearance of these 9 natural anomalies that can frighten and delight at the same time?

Rain of living things

Rain from frogs, fish, water spiders and other living creatures is a phenomenon that has been terrifying people since ancient times. It is considered very rare, and Andre-Marie Ampère first took up its study. According to his theory, animals rise into the air by a tornado and are transported over long distances.

Iridium anomaly

In 1977, researchers discovered in an Italian gorge near the city of Gubbio, a clay layer containing an amount of iridium 300 times the norm. The layer was at a great depth and corresponded to the extinction period of dinosaurs. Similar iridium anomalies were subsequently found also in many other countries.

"Thunderous baldness" arising in places of lightning strike

A thunderous baldness occurs at the site of a lightning strike and is considered a high voltage zone. At this place there is a trace in the form of scorched grass and trees.

Wolemia - an extinct "fossil" that turned out to be quite alive

Finding this plant is akin to scientists suddenly finding a living dinosaur. That is exactly what researcher David Noble felt like, having accidentally noticed trees in the Australian reserve that were considered extinct 145 million years ago. They were called Wollemia nobilis.

A lake that disappeared overnight with all the inhabitants

This fantastic phenomenon occurred in 2016 in Chile, and the lake in question is called Riesco. From a reservoir with an area of ​​more than 14 square kilometers, a bare desert remained. A similar anomaly was observed in China, the lake and 25 tons of its inhabitants also disappeared there. The most common version of what happened is considered strong ground movement.

Zone of Silence in the Mexican Desert

The desert on the border between the USA and Mexico was nicknamed the “Zone of Silence” for the fact that not a single radio works in this place, and other devices function with severe interruptions.

Varnished rocks

It is curious that many rocks in the deserts are covered with the so-called natural varnish. The exact origin of this substance is still in doubt, but its composition is known: it is clay, manganese, iron and some microorganisms. The varnish shows an incredible ability to keep the surface from environmental influences for a very long time. Thus, drawings scratched on varnished rocks by people of antiquity have survived to this day in excellent condition.

Funky Boldy on Mount Boldy Hill in the USA

Mount Boldi's large sand dune is also called traveling, because it moves one or two meters a year under the influence of wind. In addition, funnels began to form in the hill quite unpredictably, making the site extremely dangerous for tourists. For example, there was a case when a 6-year-old boy fell into a hole that suddenly appeared under his feet.

Ice tsunami

This natural phenomenon is a moving ice mass with great destructive power. An ice tsunami occurs only with a certain combination of wind force and warming speed, when the ice begins to leave the lakes and slowly crawl to land.

Watch the video: Is NASA Hiding A Planet Planet X Nibiru? (September 2024).

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