11 madmen who turned their life into an experiment and told the world about it

Sometimes fate is difficult and from time to time throws us certain trials. But there are brave souls in the world who themselves are not averse to testing life for strength. We present to you 11 interesting stories about people who challenged modern society, and at the same time to themselves, and who dared to conduct unusual experiments on their own lives!

"Park of the Soviet period", where 400 people lived in isolation from modern society for three years

The experiment belongs to the Russian film director Ilya Khrzhanovsky. The creation of a place where the atmosphere and life of the USSR was maintained in great detail from 2008 to 2011, the director needed to shoot a film about the Soviet physicist Lev Landau. It is noteworthy that in isolation they didn’t feed anyone, all the members of the experiment earned their living on their own. Despite the artificially created conditions, people lived a real life here: they cursed, fell in love, got married, made friends and even gave birth to children.

6 people lived a year in conditions close to Martian

In 2015, on the slope of the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Loa, a kind of colony on Mars was created. Three men and three women needed to live here 365 days, they were allowed to go out once a week and only in suits, the food was canned, and water needed to be saved. Using round-the-clock monitoring and special sensors on the participants' bodies, scientists tried to figure out how people would behave in conditions of prolonged isolation.

Pavel Sapozhnikov and his experiment "Alone in the past"

The man decided to settle in a secluded place and check if he could survive in the Middle Ages and arrange his life like our ancestors did. For six months, the hermit endured the hardships of old Russian life and talked about everything in his video diary.

Amish community rejecting modern technology

In closed Amish communities, people do not use the benefits of civilization, they do not have computers, telephones, microwaves, they move on carts, and the land is plowed with a real plow. For those who are also tired of modern civilization, one of the communities in the United States has organized several mini-hotels where you can try to plunge into another era.

Chemist eats a meal replacement that he himself invented

Amateur chemist Rob Reinhart has a noble goal - to fight hunger around the world. That is why he created a food substitute that contains all the nutrients a person needs: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals. Such a powder for the preparation of a liquid mixture was called "soylent." To prove the effectiveness of the product he invented, Rob ate only one of them for a month. The results showed that his health has not changed during this time.

The German woman lives without money and at the same time actively travels

Back in 1996, Heidemar Schwermer refused money and all her property in order to lead the lifestyle that she likes. She created the “Come and Take” network, the idea of ​​which is to exchange services and items without money, exclusively through barter. As an experiment, Hydemari lived for a year without money and her own housing, proving to the whole world that this was possible. Moreover, a woman actively travels and does not deny herself anything. In her book Living without Money, a woman says that during the experiment she cleaned in supermarkets, for which she was provided with food, sat with children and looked after the house in exchange for a roof over her head, walked the hairdresser's dog in exchange for a haircut.

A man who moves to live in another country every 4 months

Man lived a year without breaking a single biblical law

Journalist Jay Jacobs, having studied the canons of the Old and New Testaments, identified for himself over 700 biblical rules, which he should not have violated for one year. However, he then came up with an even crazier experiment and hired a group of Indians to live his life instead, while Jay himself could enjoy his favorite books and films.

The American who traded society for life in a cave

In 2000, Daniel Schellabarger decided to start a new life without a “conscious barter”. Then he settled in a cave in Utah: slept on stones, and ate mushrooms and berries. As Daniel himself says: "He lives without money. In abundance."

Morgan Sperlock decided to eat one fast food for 30 days and see what happens

The result was sad. The man not only recovered by 11 kilograms, but also spoiled his health: he lost his liver, depression and insomnia appeared. It took him 14 months to bring himself back to normal.

Muscovite, who became a homeless person of his own free will

In August 2017, a man named Jay left his home with an unusual idea: to become homeless and help everyone who does not have a shelter and lives on the street. A man took only a thousand rubles with him, and he talks about the results of a new life in his Instagram account. Jay’s main goal is to prove by his own experience that anyone who has become homeless is able to start all over again and succeed. At the moment, a Muscovite has already got a job as a courier.

Watch the video: Mad Men: Roger Sterling, The Mad Man in Decline (October 2024).

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