Channel "Eurasia": where they plan to build a new channel from the Caspian to the Black Sea

Despite the fact that today there is a waterway from the Black to the Caspian Sea, the idea of ​​creating a full-fledged canal periodically pops up in the press and is discussed in the scientific and leading circles of the country. It even began to be built in the 30s of the last century, but because of the outbreak of World War II, the construction of the canal had to be stopped. But what does not suit the existing waterway, and where are they going to build a new canal?

Existing and alternative route from the Caspian Sea to the Azov-Black Sea basin

Today, from the Black Sea, or rather from the Sea of ​​Azov, one can get into the Caspian Sea along the Don and Volga rivers and the Volga-Don Canal connecting them.

Volga-Don Canal on the map

This channel has been operating since the 1950s and has a total length of 101 kilometers. But the canal requires significant modernization costs, primarily for dredging, as the depth in some areas does not exceed 3.5 meters. Because of this, the vessels passing through it are often only half loaded, which reduces economic efficiency during the operation of the canal.

Volga-Don Canal

The Eurasia Channel is planned to be laid along the territory of the Kumo-Manych depression. This is a natural depression in the relief, which is a conditional border between Europe and Asia, and where in the past geological eras there was a strait connecting the Caspian and Black Seas. There are already a number of reservoirs, canals and locks that were built in the 30-40s of the last century.

Kumo-Manych depression

It is planned that the total length of the Eurasia Canal will be from 680 to 850 kilometers, depending on the chosen project implementation option. But in any case, this will reduce the existing waterway from the Caspian Sea to the Azov-Black Sea basin by more than 1000 kilometers.

Saigas in the reserve "Black lands"

But the construction of the canal faces a number of environmental problems. It should be borne in mind that they plan to channel the canal through protected areas, in particular, through Manych-Gudilo Lake, which is part of the Black Lands biosphere reserve, where rare bird nesting sites are located and protected animal species live. For example, the channel will pass through the paths of seasonal migrations of saigas, rare animals listed in the Red Book of Russia. Another problem is the salinization of soils in the area of ​​the channel, to prevent which a number of additional measures will be required. Environmentalists also point to a possible exchange of representatives of the fauna of the seas, which can have negative consequences and lead to the appearance of invasive invasive species.

Pelicans on Manych-Gudilo Lake

It is worth noting that the construction of the canal is beneficial not only to Russia, but also to the Caspian states that do not have access to the ocean, such as Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran or Azerbaijan. The channel, of course, will be beneficial to China, which will get the shortest way to promote its products to Europe. For this reason, Chinese and Kazakhstani experts are actively involved in the development of project documentation for the future channel. Despite the enormous costs, and according to experts, the construction of the canal will require from 600 to 1400 billion rubles, depending on the estimated depth of the canal, its construction appears to be very profitable for all countries participating in the project, especially for Russia, Kazakhstan and China.

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