Stormy 70s and street Tokyo in pictures of Steel Perkins social photography guru

Chris Steel-Perkins is not in vain considered one of the world's maestros of social photography. His shots excited the consciousness of tens of thousands of people and could not leave anyone indifferent.

A psychologist by training, Still-Perkins was engaged in social photography in the city, which was the best suited for this genre: his first working "scene" was a stormy, motley and very ambiguous London.

After, of course, there were many projects and cities, among which the unsurpassed Tokyo. But the photographer always returns to the UK, to this day continuing to create his amazing art there.

From the photobook 'The Teds', England, 1976

From the photo project "A Sense of Community: Wolverhampton", England, 1978

From the photo book 'Tokyo Love Hello', Tokyo, 1997-2004

Watch the video: THE BEST SKATEPARK IN TOKYO JAPAN! (October 2024).

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