25 little-known facts about the most important substance on Earth

One of the most important substances on the planet is water, without it life is impossible not only for humans and animals, but also for bacteria and plants. Not for nothing that most of the Earth’s surface is water, its share is 71 percent. We suggest that you learn more about this substance and get acquainted with the most interesting facts about water collected around the world.

Each year, for various reasons related to water, more than three million people die.

In Africa and Asia, on average, they need to cover a distance of about six kilometers to reach a source of drinking water.

On average, over 3.5 thousand liters of water evaporate from each water basin in California per month.

When draining the toilet, an average of six liters of clean water is consumed.

Bones also have water in their composition - as much as 31 percent.

Only one percent of the world's water supply is suitable for drinking.

On the planet, one in nine people is denied access to clean water that could be drunk.

About 700 million Chinese people drink contaminated water every day.

At the top of Everest, the boiling point of water is less - 71 degrees.

Giraffes are able to live without water longer than camels.

Bill Gates is investing in a device to recycle feces into clean water.

The expiration date that is written on bottles of drinking water is valid for the bottle, but not for the water itself.

In space, there is a kind of "reservoir", the mass of water in which is 140 trillion times greater than the mass of all water sources available on Earth.

Cold water is lighter than hot.

Each human leg has 250 thousand sweat glands.

In the red part of the visible spectrum, light is very poorly absorbed, so water takes on a light turquoise color.

To make just one pair of jeans you will need 11 thousand liters of water.

The longest person under water was a person who was able to hold his breath for 22 minutes. Today is a world record.

Only a small part of all the planet’s water is open to humanity for use, it is only 0.003 percent.

There is such a thing as hyperhydration or water poisoning. It can occur if you drink more than three liters of water within an hour.

In every home, two-thirds of the water used is spent in the bathroom.

In fact, water conducts electricity very poorly, this ability is enhanced by various impurities in it.

In the Middle Ages, people drank more alcohol than plain water, since it was safer.

Human feces are 75 percent water.

The first vending machine was invented in the first century AD. It was used to sell holy water.

Watch the video: 100 Incredible Facts! RIF 100 (October 2024).

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