A woman turned a 110-year-old tree into a free library, and she looks magical

Despite all the new super technologies, thanks to which we can get almost any information, just by clicking on a button, people still continue to love the usual good old books. They definitely have some kind of magic. And many people realize the exceptional value of printed literature, working on its promotion.

One of the coolest ideas that we had seen was realized by a family from Idaho. Sharali Armitage Howard, an artist and ex-employee of a publishing house and library, realized that a huge centenary tree could become a perfect location for a small, original library.

So, the tree trunk was devastated, provided with a roof and equipped with lighting for a truly magical look. The place was amazing!

Watch the video: Woman Saves 110 Year Old Dying Tree, Converting It Into Magical Library Stump (October 2024).

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