The 6 most colorful markets on the planet that will add a little magic to shopping

Markets have long been crowded out by shopping centers, because here you can find everything from a package of milk to a luxury goods. However, unusual bazaars still exist on our planet, where their own special atmosphere reigns and which are famous for their color far beyond the borders of the city and even the country. Such places help to finally and irrevocably fall in love with travel, and shopping is special here.

Istanbul: Grand Bazaar

One of the oldest markets on our planet and definitely one of the most colorful. The Grand Bazaar is simply huge: it occupies 66 streets. It is so easy to get lost here that local children even make money on it: for money, they help find a way out to the confused travelers. And you can buy absolutely everything here, from beautiful Turkish sweets to no less beautiful carpets.

London: Portobello Flea Market

An atmospheric place can be found in the capital of the prim English. Portobello Street turned into a bazaar three centuries ago. And it is from those times that the market is famous for its assortment: if you want to find an antique little thing for little money, you, no doubt, should look here. And also in order to absorb this energy of Portobello with street performers, traders and small pubs.

Paris: Saint-Ouen Market

Once in the north of Paris there were twelve markets, but they grew, grew and turned into one, but really special. They called him Marche aux Puces, which means "flea market." It is from here that the name of all such places around the world went. Every day, more than three thousand shops open here, where you can find both vintage and modern items! And tighten the French, it is better to bargain on it.

Arpora, Goa: Night Market

Absolutely everyone falls in love with India. The sea, colorful sunsets, delicious food and the goodwill of the locals - all this leaves a lasting impression. However, they will not be complete without colorful local markets. And the brightest of them is in Arpora. Remember Indian films with their loud music, fiery dances and colorful outfits? To feel all this noise and din, go to the bazaar. It is here that you can find the most amazing things, look at relaxed yogis, quietly strolling between the rows, artists who came here for inspiration, and hippies who are happy with their life. And yes, to get into the Indian film for a second: at the stage here you can freely dance to live music.

Madrid: El Rastro Market

Every Sunday and on holidays, thousands of Spaniards and tourists get up early to head to the Central District of Madrid. At six o'clock, several streets turn into the most popular bazaar in Spain. At El Rastro they sell both skillful fakes and really worthwhile things that are many years old. And here you can find souvenirs from distant countries: many merchants are purchased in India and Morocco.

Cairo: Khan al-Khalili Bazaar

It seems that time passed by Khan al-Khalili. Otherwise, how can one explain that it is as if you are plunging into the past, into the very atmosphere that reigned in Cairo a couple of centuries ago? Merchants chatting fluently in Arabic, calls to prayer from nearby mosques, incredible smells of spices, leather goods, aromatherapy and food - all merged in this bazaar. This is Africa's largest market and one of the oldest: Khan al-Khalili was founded in the 14th century. This is the best place where in Egypt you can buy souvenirs, drink aromatic tea, smoke a hookah, and indeed enjoy the atmosphere of Cairo, this noisy and ancient city.

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