Artists from all over the world pay tribute to Notre Dame Cathedral in sketches

Last Monday, the whole world will remember as the day when the history and culture of France collapsed in front of thousands of helpless people - the magnificent and unique Notre Dame was burning. Since its construction in the dark Middle Ages, the cathedral has been a symbol of Paris, an incomparable example of exquisite Gothic architecture and a repository of priceless religious cultural heritage.

Today, the world mourns this stunning building and, at the same time, a few days after the tragedy gains bright hope for the opportunity to enjoy its beauty again. We managed to save most of the precious relics, the main structure of the cathedral also remained intact, many people, including the richest patrons, donate huge sums to its restoration, which means that in a few years we will see this incredible temple again in all its charm.

At the same time, artists from all over the world pay tribute to the legendary building, making absolutely wonderful sketches depicting the temple or its details. These sketches only prove once again that a treasure such as Notre Dame cannot simply take and disappear without a trace from our lives and the history of mankind.

Watch the video: Analysis: Salvaging priceless art from Notre Dame (October 2024).

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