Closeup of water droplets showing the supernatural beauty of nature

Macro photography is more than just a close-up. This photographing technique offers a new view of the world, revealing tiny details of the subject that our eyes simply cannot catch. Don Komarechka is a photographer from Canada who explores nature with a macro lens. From ordinary drops of water, he makes real works of art. Does the Canadian say that the reflections in the drops remind him of miniature, very fragile sculptures that reveal all their beauty? only if you look at them from the right angle.

Each shot in the Komarechka project represents an image of small spheres of water scattered across petals and flower stems. The photographer is experimenting with perspective, showing how the flowers are reflected on the surface of these drops, which, in turn, are surprisingly similar to glass balls.

Often in the frame next to a drop of water is some kind of insect, which further visualizes the subtlety of such moments in nature. It seems another moment and the magic will disappear.

Watch the video: 10 min Tingles Tapping sounds Old School ASMR (September 2024).

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