Stonehenge Secrets: How Ancient Builders Used Bacon to Build a Megalith

Stonehenge was created 4,5 thousand years ago. The ancient inhabitants of the British Isles installed dolerite stone structures in the shape of a ring. Scientists for a long time could not understand how such a structure could be built technically, because stone blocks had to be dragged at least 300 kilometers. However, now, it seems, the answer is found. Fat helped in transportation. Today we will tell you exactly how it happened.

Archaeologists from the University of Newcastle analyzed pottery found near Stonehenge and found the remains of ancient bacon.

Dishes on the walls of which archaeologists have discovered the remains of fat

Additional studies have shown that pork fat was consumed not only in food, but also for other needs.

Archaeologist Lisa Marie Shalitto stated that she was interested in the amount of lipids left on the ceramic products. She wondered why so much pork fat was left on the walls of the vessels. Its amount exceeded 7 times the level that archaeologists usually find on pottery. The researcher suggested that these vessels served to collect fat, which was then used as a lubricant in the transportation of stone structures. Stones up to eight meters high and weighing up to two tons were placed on a sled and moved around 20 people by sliding along logs.

Stonehenge is much younger than the Egyptian pyramids, its creation dates back to 2085-2075 BC. century BC. However, the ancient authors did not include it among the eight wonders of the world. Probably the Romans were not very inspired by these stones. At that time, they already saw the ancient Egyptian pyramids, and even the architectural delights were not alien to them.

Information about who built this monument was dissolved in legends.

Archaeologists believe that Stonehenge holds many more puzzles regarding the construction of the monument. The biggest mystery is why it was built. Some scientists claim that this is a type of sundial, others consider it an astronomical observatory, and others consider it a ritual place for druids. There are also fans of extraterrestrial civilizations who claim that Stonehenge is a landing site for alien ships.

Watch the video: Secrets Of The Stonehenge: New Evidence NEW 2017 History Channel Documentary (September 2024).

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