It turned out that among people there are lucky people who need only 6 hours of sleep

Many famous writers and scholars were so passionate about their work that they spent only a few hours sleeping, devoting every minute to their favorite pastime. For example, Nikola Tesla slept only 2-3 hours a day, and Leonardo da Vinci generally practiced a short sleep of only 20 minutes, but did it every 4 hours. Perhaps, for this reason, they managed to do so much for science and art, because they spent much less time sleeping than the rest. But modern people, especially residents of large cities, tend, like geniuses, to spend as little time as possible on sleep. Alas, not everyone succeeds in this, many feel tired while shortening the usual duration of sleep. It turns out that the reason for this lies in the fact that the ability to get enough sleep in just 5-6 hours is due to genes, or rather the presence of two mutations in the genes.

According to many scientific studies, an adult should spend at least 8 hours a day sleeping. That is how much he needs in order to fully relax and gain strength. But in medical practice there are patients who are enough for 6 or even 5 hours of sleep, and such a reduction does not affect their condition. A few years ago, American geneticists from the University of California discovered a special mutation of the gene in sleepless patients that was absent in other people. All owners of this feature, dubbed the "short sleep mutation," spent about 6.5 hours on a full sleep. A control group of participants who did not have a mutation got enough sleep on average in 8 hours. Recently, scientists were able to identify another mutation in the genes, which was associated with the previous one and contributed to a short period of sleep. According to geneticists, only 1 person out of 25 thousand people has such a feature.

Interestingly, genetic mutations, in addition to the ability to shorter full sleep, give their owners other useful features. According to scientists who studied unusual patients, they are more energetic, can work long and efficiently in multitasking mode, and are generally optimistic.

Those rare lucky ones whose body has such a useful mutation of genes spend their time much more productively. They only need 5-6 hours to sleep, and they use the remaining time with greater benefit. Scientists have high hopes for this discovery. Perhaps they can create drugs that have the same effect on the body as a genetic mutation.

Watch the video: 10 Body Features Only 5% of People Have (September 2024).

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