Alien Iceland: 12 close-up photos of hot springs

Looking at pictures of hot springs in Iceland, you can be amazed endlessly, and live they are even more incredible.

Such landscapes seem fantastic and resemble the surface of other planets.

Sources are more like molten metals than water coming to the surface of our planet.

In the pictures taken near the sources, you can see that they are very different in color. They contain orange, turquoise, red and many other shades, which thus create an association with the palette of colors in the artist's hands.

People have long learned how to use this gift of nature to their advantage, building power plants in places where the temperature reaches 100 degrees.

In Iceland, a similar source with a temperature of 97 degrees is used for heating homes.

Unique hot keys have found their application in medicine. The healing properties of thermal water help to defeat many diseases.

On the territory of our country there are also resorts where people undergo treatment with the help of balneology.

In its chemical composition, thermal waters are very diverse, it all depends on the soil, gases and soil components.

Sometimes the water composition is enriched with an incredible amount of the most different elements from the periodic table.

Thousands of tourists come to luxurious Iceland to experience the miraculous powers of its thermal waters. The sources are functional year-round, regardless of weather changes.

Watch the video: 20 Photos of the Most Colorful Places on Earth (October 2024).

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