Chalkboard outline frozen in time for 100 years.

Workers doing repairs in a school in Oklahoma (USA) discovered a terrific find. They found old blackboards with drawings and inscriptions preserved on them, which lay untouched for about 100 years. Such an amazing find was delighted not only by children and teachers, many people came to look at it.

The school was erected in 1911, and drawings on the boards were made in 1917. None of the teachers working there now did not suspect that such a miracle was stored behind the wall. Images made in the last century, managed to be so well preserved due to the fact that new ones were hung directly on these boards.

One of the boards contains a drawing of the December calendar for 1917, the other shows a circle in the middle of which and at the edges are numbers. According to experts, with the help of this circle, children were taught to count in schools, but today this method is already completely forgotten.

It was decided to keep and hang all the old finds found during the repair in the museum.

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