Adrenaline Ride: The 5 Creepiest Places on Earth

As you know, travel broadens the mind, and fear aggravates all feelings. This means that the combination of both will undoubtedly leave an unforgettable experience. So if you are planning your next trip right now, here are some great ideas!

Skeleton lake

Roopkund Glacial Lake is located at an altitude of 5,000 m in the Himalayas. Here is a huge number of human remains, the origin of which has long been a mystery to scientists and researchers. After many expeditions and studying skeletons, scientists came to the conclusion that the bones belong to people who lived in the 9th century and died here from a terrible hail of incredible size. A phenomenal natural phenomenon overtook 200-300 pilgrims right in the middle of the valley, where they had nowhere to hide.

Serpent island

The Brazilian island of Keimada Grande is located 33 km from the coast of São Paulo and is considered one of the most dangerous places on the globe. Visiting the island is strictly prohibited, as it is literally teeming with deadly reptiles, island botrops or golden spear-headed snakes. These creatures are threatened with extinction, but on the island their density is one individual per square meter.

Temple of the Black Rats

A popular pilgrimage site in India, the Karni Mata Temple, has become home to thousands of rodents (about 20 thousand, to be more precise). According to legend, when the stepson of the Hindu god Karni Mata drowned in the lake, he persuaded the patron of death Yama to bring him back to life. Yama agreed to do this under one condition: the stepson and all members of his caste will be turned into rats.

Many travelers and tourists come to the temple every day to receive blessings from the sacred rats. And the caretakers of the temple take care and care for their "children", feeding them all sorts of delicious treats.

Hell Gate

In 1971, Soviet scientists installed a drilling rig in Turkmenistan, in the Karakum desert. They believed that a huge oil field could be found here, but they made a fatal mistake. In fact, under the surface of the earth was natural gas. The tower and the camp of researchers collapsed into a gaping crater. To prevent the spread of methane, scientists set fire to this place in the hope that the gas would quickly burn out. 45 years have passed since then, and the crater burns with the same strength.

Ghost doll island

This island is located near Mexico City. According to legend, a little girl, playing on the banks of the canal, drowned. After this, dozens of dolls began to be thrown onto the land of the channel. The caretaker of the island, Don Julian Santana Barrera, blaming himself for not being able to save the child, began to hang dolls on trees in memory of the girl.

Locals say that the dolls are led by the spirit of a deceased girl and that from time to time you can even hear the whisper of terrifying toys that they lure visitors to the island. The dolls look really creepy: humid air and natural phenomena disfigured them.

In addition, 50 years after Barrera settled on the island, collecting and hanging dolls, he was found dead in the same place where, according to legend, the girl died. Now every year the island is visited by many tourists who love the thrill.

Watch the video: 44 Things To Add To Your Thrill-Seeking Bucket List. The Ultimate List (October 2024).

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