Sensation! In Africa, they began to extract drinking water from the air!

As you know, one of the most serious and vital problems of the population of the African continent is drinking water, or rather its absence. According to statistics, 36% of Africans do not have access to water that can be safely eaten. The company Architecture and Vision worked on a solution to this problem and, fortunately, was not inconclusive.

The result of their work was such a tower, created from stalks of bamboo and biodegradable plastic and called Warka Water.

This design does not require electricity. The system is incredibly simple: the tower receives moisture from the surrounding air, condenses it and collects it in a special tank.

The tower is quite small: 10 m high and 4.2 m in diameter, and its weight is only 60 kg, but it is able to collect 99 liters of water per day!

The developers gave the tower such a form for a reason: the design should resemble cooking trees that grow in Ethiopia.

In addition, the tower is made so simple that 4 people can assemble it without effort.

Watch the video: Drinking Nasty Swamp Water to save the world (September 2024).

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