Imagining Tunisia

Early morning invariably begins with a cup of mint tea and sugar baklava. Sitting at a table in one of the Arabian cafes near the eastern bazaar, one can observe how clearly the movements of merchants lay out multi-colored textiles and arrange bowls with aromatic spices.

On the way to the beach, you can throw off your shoes so that each step allows you to briefly immerse yourself in warm, soft and golden sand. Many kilometers of beaches do not allow you to get used to the landscape, and fluffy waves gently and do not intrusively shout into their arms.

In the afternoon, when the sun warms up the waves and sand, it's time to drink a cup of coffee in Arabic in the shade of rustling palm trees. Closing your eyes for a minute and smelling fried fish and spicy couscous, you should listen to the French coo of waiters with regular customers and still make your order.

The evening can be any. For example, peaceful after relaxing thalassotherapy. Unforgettable thanks to a camel trip through the endless Sahara desert. Full of impressions from the trip to the amazing canyon of Tamerza and the oasis of Shebik. Or even thoughtful after the fascinating stories that will tell you on the ruins of the legendary Carthage.

And then the red sunset will fall in dense veil onto the dunes or catch in the mountains, and the night will meet a myriad of stars on another continent ... Just imagine Tunisia!


Hammamet is quiet streets with snow-white villas, yachts swinging on the azure waves, delicate white sand and aristocratic entertainment. All this is madly loved by wealthy people and European celebrities. It was they who chose local beaches, thalassotherapy centers, casinos and golf courses, turning Hammamet into the most respectable resort in Tunisia.

What to watch

For starters, it's best to just walk around the city center. Tricky streets will certainly lead to an amazing place. Fans of historical and architectural attractions deliberately try to get lost here, suspecting that guidebooks do not write about everything. And they are often right.

Medina - the oldest part of the city - is full of surprises. These ancient ocher-colored walls hide eastern bazaars, colorful streets, architecturally amazing buildings, craft shops and cats lounging in the sun. The real decoration of Hammamet is the majestic Kasbah fortress of the 15th century. To enhance the experience, you should definitely climb the signal tower. From there, a bewitching view of the whole city opens.


Luxury hotels, nightclubs, cafes and restaurants in Hammamet are shrouded in aromas of flowering jasmine and citrus orchards, as if there is no place here where you can stop enjoying the surrounding nature.

In the Roman theater, in the garden of a villa owned by the Romanian billionaire Georges Sebastian, the International Hammamet Festival is annually held with the participation of world stars of theater, music and dance. Traditionally, art lovers from all over the world gather on it.

If you are far from art, but love children, then for them there are great entertainments in Hammamet. For example, all children without exception (and even some adults) are delighted with the wonderful Flipper water park, where you can choose a slide not only by age, but also by the strength of their fearlessness.

Of course, the main attraction in Hammamet is a beach holiday. White, clean sand, wicker umbrellas and all the necessary infrastructure allow you to relax and forget about everything.

Hammamet South and Yasmine Hammamet

The new Hammamet-South tourist zone has been opened recently and, along with the Yasmine-Hammamet resort, attracts with its enchanting white beaches and a variety of marine attractions.

What to watch

Yasmine Hammamet occupies the territory of the ancient city of Pipput. It's nice to just walk along the promenade, sit on the terrace of one of the cafes and enjoy the unique atmosphere of a serene vacation. Medina Yasmine-Hammamet, with an area of ​​more than four hectares, is surrounded by walls for reliable protection from the merger of the past with the present. An ideal solution would be to get lost in it for a short while.


Vacationers with children will enjoy a walk along the pier along countless yachts, a visit to the seaport of Yasmin and, of course, the exciting amusement park Carthage Land. Fans of shopping will be pleasantly surprised by the number of shops, street bazaars, and the work of local artisans themselves.


Medina of Hammamet:

Médina de Hammamet, Ruelle Ibrahim Chérif, Hammamet

Villa Sebastian:

av. des Nations Unies, Hammamet

Thalassotherapy centers:

Hasdrubal Thalassa & Spa Yasmine Hammamet, 04 Zone Touristique, Yasmine Hammamet

Nahrawess Thalassa Hammamet, Tourist Route, Hammamet

Bio Azur Thalasso, Avenue Assad Ibn el fourat, Hammamet

Carthage Land Park:

Carthage Land, ruze de la Médina, Hammamet

Water Park Flipper:

Aquapark Flipper, Hammamet


Casino la Médina, Médina Méditerranéa, Yasmine Hammamet


Golf Citrus, BP 132, Hammamet

Yasmin Valley Golf Club Hammamet, BP 61, Hammamet


Sousse is the third largest city of Tunisia, a major tourist center where they know exactly what active recreation and rich nightlife are. Clubs, casinos, bars and other entertainment are available in Sousse almost around the clock. In the afternoon, Sousse is white sandy beaches and modern comfortable hotels, half of which are four- and five-star. At night - fiery rhythms, exotic cocktails, a port, illuminated by colorful lights, and romantic walks along the promenade until the morning.

Sousse is also a very ancient city, so it has a rich history. Archeology lovers will find many interesting things for themselves.

What to watch

Of course, the best way to start sightseeing in Sousse is from the delightful medina of the city. Despite its small size (32 hectares), life is in full swing and trade is actively going on at numerous street bazaars.

The thirty-meter Caliph Tower offers magnificent views of the golden ocher medina, the Ribat courtyard, the Grand Mosque and small buildings from the 9th-13th centuries.

Fans of history and antiquities should pay special attention to the fascinating archaeological museum of Sousse, the house museum of the local aristocrat Dar Essid and the Catacombs of the II-IV centuries.


For fun and adventure, head to the amazing Port of El Kantaoui. It was he who at one time made Sousse a place of attraction for tourists from all over the country. A harbor with luxury yachts, singing fountains, Acqua Palace water park, Hannibal amusement park, botanical garden, the country's best golf club, as well as fantastic fish restaurants, shops and, of course, stunning beaches - all this is here.

Every year in August, a bright and colorful city festival with a carnival procession - "Aussu", which is definitely worth seeing with your own eyes, takes place. For visual and gastronomic delights it is better to go to the December festival of olive trees in the city of Kalaa Kebira. It is worth adding that Sousse is the capital of the Sahel, a region with the oldest olive grove in the country.

You can buy local goods and souvenirs at the port. Fabrics are usually bought at Er-Rebaa Bazaar, and some of the work of local blacksmiths at El Qaeda Market Street.



Sousse Ribat, rue el Aghalba, Medina, Sousse

Archaeological Museum:

Musée archéologique de Sousse, rue Abou Kacem Echabi, Sousse

Dar Essid Museum:

Musée Dar Essid, boulevard Yahia Ibn Omar, Sousse

Great Mosque:

Grande Mosquée de Sousse, rue Othmane Osmane, Sousse


Sousse Catacombs, Medina, Sousse

Port of El Kantaoui:

Port El Kantaoui, Route Touristique, Hammam Sousse


Calmness, tranquility and some of the most beautiful beaches can be found in a paradise - the city of Monastir, which has a rich historical past. Here, ancient traditions and the needs of modernity are harmoniously combined, allowing visitors to plunge into the history and culture of Tunisia, get acquainted with local art and enjoy the riches of the local nature.

What to watch

It is worth spending at least an hour and a half on one of the most impressive architectural monuments in Tunisia - the fortified monastery of Ribat, founded in the 8th century. To touch the centuries-old history, it is enough to walk along the corridors of the monastery, similar to real labyrinths, look into its halls, climb the stone stairs to the watch tower and appreciate the unimaginable view from its top.

Also of particular interest is the Museum of Islamic Art, located here. Among its exhibits are pottery, jewelry, glassware, fabrics, art objects, manuscripts and much more.

You should definitely visit the Family Mausoleum and the Habib Bourguiba Mosque - the first president of independent Tunisia, a native of Monastir, as well as the Museum of Folk Art and Traditions, which presents traditional costumes and festive costumes.

Indulge in the pleasure of just strolling through the historic city center, breathing in the aromas of flowering trees with an admixture of spices brought from the east bazaars of the medina by the wind.


The city of Monastir is located on a cape, dissecting the fluffy waves of the azure sea. The main entertainment here is relaxing on the picturesque beaches just a few steps from the walls of the city. Swinging on the azure waves and admiring the view of the city, you catch yourself thinking that nothing is needed for an ideal holiday.

Only a few thalassotherapy sessions, because some of the best centers in the country work here. And maybe play golf. And also take a walk to the fishing port past luxury hotels drowning in the colors of hibiscus, jasmine and bougainvillea, sit down in one of the cafes and enjoy freshly caught fish.

In Monastir, water centers are very common, which in a short time will teach you the basics of sailing, windsurfing, parasailing, diving, offer rides on jet skis and much more.

At a large carpet bazaar, you can choose a colorful gift for close relatives, order a gift for a loved one in the forge, and pick up something for yourself in one of the craft workshops.



Ribat, Medina, Monastir

Habib Bourguiba Mosque:

Bourguiba Mosque, Medina, Monastir

Mausoleum of Habib Bourguiba:

Bourguiba Mausoleum, Medina, Monastir


Flamingo Golf Course, route de Ouardanine B.P. 40, Monastir

Golf Palm Links Monastir, 795 Skanes Monastir, Monastir


Hotel Royal Thalassa Monastir, 75 route Touristique Skanes B.P., Monastir


Fabulous beaches, sky-blue water, a leisurely rhythm and an unimaginable serenity make Mahdia an ideal place for complete relaxation and solitude.

The quiet fishing port is beautiful for its leisurely day and the play of chiaroscuro - at night. The pristine beaches with white sand are comfortable and safe for families. Evenings in Mahdia are warm, gentle and romantic. Life in the city practically freezes with the advent of night.

What to watch

Once the capital of Tunisia, Mahdia turned into a nice town, not yet overpopulated by tourists. Powerful castle gates of the 10th century lead to the old part of the city, which are definitely worth a look. If you try, you can find the remains of an ancient fortress. Or an ideal place for a light picnic.

In Mahdia, touching fishing marinas with colorful boats, the Grand Mosque and a small Arab medina located at sea level are also noteworthy. You can get acquainted with the history of the city in the Museum of Mahdia.

An amazing adventure will be watching the night fishing of sardines. On warm summer evenings, boats sail from the ancient port to catch fish under the light of kerosene lamps, candles and lanterns. The sea is transformed, imitating the boundless starry sky.


Most of the time it is better to devote to relaxing on the spacious beaches. They are well equipped, the descent into the sea is very convenient, therefore resort Mahdia is also suitable for families with children.

An interesting option is a boat trip on a boat or boat. It will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the azure coast and islands near the city of Monastir.

Fans of scuba diving will be able to contact one of several water centers, whose instructors will gladly show the sea cemetery and the most interesting places in the deep sea near Mahdia.

More recently, two thalassotherapy centers have opened in the city in a four- and five-star hotel. Anyone can visit them. What could be better than relaxing and taking care of your health at the same time ?!

Among the intricate narrow streets hiding workshops of Tunisian weavers and spinners of silk, who continue to work, selling, and are happy to share their professional secrets. Handicrafts all over the world are valued very highly and can be a wonderful gift.

You can buy gold, fabrics, traditional dresses and unusual souvenirs at the weekly Friday Bazaar of Skif El Kahla. As an entertainment, you can also visit the daily fish market, where fishermen sell their night catch.


Great Mosque:

Great Fatimid Mosque, Mahdia

Museum of Mahdia:

Musée de Mahdia, Place du 7 novembre, Mahdia


The island of Djerba is shrouded in myths and legends, which gives it a special mystical romance. According to one legend, Djerba is the same island with residents who do not know grief from Homer's poem "Odyssey." Rumor has it that it was here that the nymph Calypso stupefied Odysseus and he forgot about the purpose of his journey, having been on the island in blissful bliss for seven whole years. And this story is not hard to believe, being here.

The atmosphere on the island of Djerba is truly languid and intoxicating. Landscapes of the island are unusually colorful and quickly addictive. I want to lie on the white sand, in the shade of date palms, and forever admire the crystal clear water and pink flamingos crowding along the coast.

Other legends say that the island was a favorite haven of pirates, resting here and hiding their prey everywhere. If the spirit of adventure breaks out, try your luck in search of treasures!

What to watch

The magnificent coastline is conducive to long walks. Having reached the port of Ajim, where ferry arrives from the mainland, you can find the thickest palm grove on the island, in which it is easy to make interesting shots.

You can learn a little more about Tunisia and the island of Djerba by visiting the Museum of Folk Traditions and Arts. On display are traditional costumes, fabrics, antique jewelry, as well as a real pottery workshop.

Jewish pilgrims from around the world annually visit the El Ghrib synagogue in the ancient Jewish village of Riyadh, because one of the oldest Torah scrolls is stored here.


You can forget and fail all days of vacation on the well-equipped beaches of the island. No one will blame, but something else can be done. For example, to feel the romance of a sea adventure, taking a ride on a boat. The most wonderful landscapes open at sunset. A great end to the day can be a candlelight dinner in one of the port restaurants, where French waiters enthusiastically discuss night catches with their customers.

Fans of adventure and thrills will surely enjoy the crocodile farm in Djerba Explore Park. There are about 400 individuals here - it will be interesting to everyone, even children, because it is completely safe! In the same park you can learn about the traditions and heritage of the region, take a walk in the tropical greenhouse, visit the oil mill, see the old ceramic kiln and participate in one of the workshops.


Amusement Park Djerba Explore:

Djerba Explore Park, Route touristique de Midoun, BP 353 4116, Midoun

Pink flamingos:

L'île aux flamants roses, Djerba

Museum of Folk Traditions and Arts:

Museum of Arts & Popular Traditions, Djerba

Guellala Ethnographic Museum:

Guellala Museum, Guellala

El Ghrib synagogue:

Synagogue de la Ghriba, Djerba

Watch the video: Salafists clash with police in Tunisia after rally is banned (October 2024).

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