Visiting Crimean Tatars

I drove around the Crimea. In a village near Bakhchisaray, I found an old green Kopek, on the rear window of which were stickers of two religions: one Muslim, the other from an Apple laptop. I got out of the car to photograph a funny combination.

The owner of the house, seeing me through the window, greeted, asked what I liked about his car. Hearing the explanation, laughed and invited for tea. In the courtyard the whole large Tatar family was preparing pilaf in a cauldron ...

So we met.

There are really a lot of Tatars in Crimea. I wanted to make a report about self-captures, and indeed about Tatar life, but then it didn’t work out.

One way or another, there are still a few "Tatar" disparate pictures that I want to show you today.

Watch the video: Crimean Tatar Leader Calls For Referendum Boycott (September 2024).

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