American freaks

At the beginning of the month, the Comic Con exhibition was held in San Francisco, which brought together comic book lovers. In general, the largest such exhibition is held in San Diego, and here was a small one, but there were also enough cranks.

What do we have here? Cute.

Most of the characters are not familiar to me. I don’t understand how to read comics right now. Who is reading them? Who knows the heroes? Why collect them?

No, well, explain what is the point of collecting comics? This is how to collect video tapes or discs. What for?

By the way, one more moment, there was NONE a beautiful girl. Generally zero. At our gaming shows, there’s at least someone to look at.

A lot of children.

This is like Game of Thrones.

Here are the artists who draw all this.

Of course, not without gay comics. Poor kids! No one protects them from propaganda.

Watch the video: 5 Real Human Freaks (October 2024).

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