Santa Clara: meeting Che

If at the thought of Cuba, lines from the song Comandante Che Guevara * pop up in your head, don’t put it in a long box, go to Santa Clara to meet Che.

Santa Clara is usually the end point for many who are keen on the history of the Cuban revolution, inspired by the charismatic personality of Ernesto Che Guevara and simply curious travelers. It so happened that Santa Clara became the end point for Che.

Hasta la victoria siempre

Perhaps this is the most famous quote of Che Guevara: "Always to victory." Words from a farewell letter to Fidel Castro before the commandant left Cuba and left for Congo. You will find these words more than once here and in many other cities of Cuba, along with images of Che himself.

Already at the entrance to the city, socialist slogans will follow you from everywhere, accompanied by portraits of military and political leaders from different times. Those who lacked this revolutionary and patriotic spirit in other cities will feel it here in full. Here are some places to visit in Santa Clara to learn more about one of the most famous revolutionaries in the world:

Sculptural ensemble "Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara" (Memorial to Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara)

Conjunto Escultórico Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara (Memorial Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara)

The Che Memorial is the most important place in the city and one of the most visited in Cuba.

In December 1958, the units of Che Guevara defeated the forces of President Fulgencio Batista in the battle for Santa Clara. It turned out to be decisive: a few hours after that Batista left Cuba, the government was finally overthrown and a new life began for the country.

In honor of the thirtieth anniversary of the Battle of Revolution Square in Santa Clara, this sculptural ensemble appeared with a huge bronze sculpture by Ernesto Che Guevara. The bas-relief of the monument depicts battle scenes and carved the famous quotes of the revolutionary.

The approximate burial place of Che Guevara became known only in 1995, 28 years after his death. The two-year search ended successfully in Bolivia - the remains of the commandant and several of his comrades were found and returned to Cuba, where they were reburied in the Santa Clara mausoleum. In October 1997, Fidel Castro solemnly lit an eternal flame here.

Behind the sculpture is the "Historical Museum of the Revolution", dedicated to the memory of Ernesto Che Guevara. It contains personal belongings of the revolutionary, such as the famous uniform with a beret, a watch and holster, a pipe, calabash, from which he drank mate, binoculars, a camera and much more. Must see.

Address: Plaza de la Revolucion Che Guevara, Santa Clara

Monument of taking an armored train

Monumento a la Toma del Tren Blindado

This monument is dedicated to the tipping point in the battle for Santa Clara. The Batista government sent an armored train to the city with ammunition and soldiers. Ernesto Che Guevara considered his main task to capture this armored train. With the help of a bulldozer, which was in a local university occupied by a detachment of Che, they managed to destroy part of the railway tracks. The train went off the rails and was captured. Four cars survived to the present day and were turned into a memorial museum, which, like the Che memorial, is located in the place where the events related to it took place. In a small museum you can find a chronicle of the events of those times, see military plans, maps, photographs and even weapons. Of course, there is a bulldozer right there, with the help of which a crash was organized. Opposite the monument is El Capiro Hill, where Che Guevara and his squad were waiting for a train. If there is time, get up and see how everything looked on their part.

Address: Parque del Tren Blindado, Santa Clara

Che with a baby

Estatua che con Niño

Rising from the Monument to the taking of an armored train on Avenue of Liberation (Avenida Liberación), you can go to a very unusual sculpture - "Che with a child." It was installed at the entrance to the provincial committee of the Communist Party, which housed the commandant’s office and from where Che Guevara led the days of the battle for Santa Clara. Ernesto is depicted life-size with a child in one hand and a cigar in the other. His step is decisive and broad, and his look is confident and direct. Take a closer look and you will see small sculptures that simply strew the monument. Each of them tells about a particular event from the life of Che Guevara. There are many symbols in it, try to find all the details and solve it - this is very interesting.

Address: Avenida Liberación, Santa Clara

Yet Little Che

If suddenly you want something more than just a walk around the city and visiting places related to Che, then come here on October 8th. Every year at this time in Cuba celebrate the Day of the heroic partisan in memory of Che Guevara. Everything here is filled with memories that you can’t escape from. On June 14, Cuba celebrates his birthday. This is completely different, but no less interesting.

If you want to bring some souvenir from Cuba, somehow connected with Che, just leave three Cuban pesos in your pocket and do not waste.

Revolution continues

Santa Clara is not as simple as it seems. Her protest and revolutionary spirit underwent changes, developed, but never subsided. The city will greatly surprise you, we promise. And this will be connected not only with Che.

* Song "Hasta siempre, Comandante" by the composer, guitarist and singer Kalos Puebla. It has lines about winning the battle for Santa Clara.

Watch the video: Santa Clara CUBA - Che Guevara's Town! Cuban Revolution! (October 2024).

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