Jordan: Traveling Wisely

Jordan is so beautiful and unique that it seems as if it has just left the pages of one of the Arabian tales. The Kingdom of the Middle East holds many treasures and secrets of the past, but reveals them only to those who are ready to plunge into them headlong. Jordan has magnificent sights, amazing nature, sandy beaches and entertainment for every taste. There are not only crowds of tourists, wild lines and the feeling of deja vu. Most of what you see is absolutely unique, it is only here and nowhere else. You will begin to wonder: how did it happen that you have not seen all this before? And we will answer: miracles do not happen every day!

Wonders of Jordan


On the edge of the Arabian Desert, among the red sheer cliffs, one of the new seven wonders of the world and the main treasure of the Jordanian kingdom is the ancient city of Petra.

Al Khazneh Temple in the Ancient City of Petra

To see Petra, you need to go a little more than a kilometer through the high and narrow Sik Gorge with high "walls" reaching 80 meters. On a sunny day, walking along these winding and picturesque corridors, you notice how their color changes from pale pink to bright red depending on the time of day and the angle of view. At the end of the gorge is the palace of Al Khazneh or the treasury of Petra. A magnificent facade is skillfully carved in the whole rock - its height is 43 meters and its width is 30 meters. It’s like a nine-story house. Al-Khazneh Palace was built as the tomb of the Nabatean king and, of course, amazes with its magnificence.

In Petra there are about five hundred remarkably preserved tombs, also carved in the rocks, obelisks, colonnades, temples, sacrificial altars, the crusader fortress, and a huge, delightfully beautiful Roman amphitheater. Its capacity is up to three thousand spectators. In addition, at the very top of the mountain overlooking the endless valley, you will find the ancient monastery of Ad-Deir. To climb to it, you will have to overcome eight hundred steps carved into the rock.

The ancient city of Petra

There are two museums on the territory that will shed light on the history of this extraordinary place: the Archaeological Museum and the Nabatean Museum of Petra. The exposition contains archaeological finds made during excavations in the vicinity of this city, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Petra is like a city from Arabian tales, it seems that this simply can not be. But it’s worth coming here at night ... and impressions are tripled. Just imagine: under the myriad of stars, in complete silence you move along the Sik Gorge, then around the bend you see the majestic palace of Al-Khazn, and in front of it, in the hot sands of brick color, almost two thousand lights. These are candles creating a reflection of the starry sky in the sand. The whole city of Petra is highlighted only by them. Mystery or magic, you decide, but do not even hope to forget this.


The city of Jerash is known as the best-preserved provincial Roman city in the world. It was found during excavations about 70 years ago, although people lived in this place about six and a half thousand years ago. Just think about it! Jerash was securely hidden under a huge layer of sand, and precisely because of this we can now see how the life of the ancient Romans was arranged and have the opportunity to walk along the streets of the ancient city, surrounded by wooded hills and fertile valleys.

Column Street in Jerash

In Jerash, ancient cobbled streets with high colonnades, temples towering on the hills and beautiful amphitheaters. Be sure to stroll through the spacious city squares, admire the ancient fountains and baths, and also marvel at the massiveness of the city walls with towers and gates. The most interesting in the city: Kolonnaya street, temples of Zeus and Artemis, as well as the Arc de Triomphe. Being in Jerash, it’s hard to believe that you are not in Italy, but wandering in a completely different land and see no less stunning monuments of history and architecture. However, this is so.

The new, modern Jerash was built right behind the wall of the old, a little east of the ancient ruins. It is amazing how two cities with one name - one from the past, the other from the present - exist side by side, as if in a reminder that history always continues.

Wadi Rum Desert or Moon Valley

Oh, this place, of course, you know! You could see him in the movies hundreds of times. This desert with pink sands, deep canyons and steep cliffs is so picturesque and colorful that more than once it has become a set for adventure and science fiction films. For example, they shot Lawrence of Arabia, Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

Moon Valley (Wadi Rum Desert)

The local landscapes are truly cosmic, and at dawn and sunset they can be safely called Martian. It seems like the whole desert is on fire. This place is almost untouched by civilization and therefore so mystically attractive. Canyons, wells, bridges and stone labyrinths with carved rock paintings, many of which are more than four thousand years old, are very curious. The most famous rocks of Wadi Rum have a philosophical name - "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom." The height of some peaks reaches 1750 meters, but they are accessible only to experienced climbers.

Wadi Rum Desert

Please note that it is forbidden to travel unaccompanied along a sandy valley. There is a risk of getting lost, so hire a guide or go to an agency for an organized tour. You can also try unusual entertainment - a ride through the dunes on a camel and breakfast in the middle of Wadi Rum with traditional mint tea and Arabian air cakes.

Those who want to feel the power of the desert should spend the night in a Bedouin tent in the middle of Wadi Rum. A night at a campfire under millions of stars in a desert that cools down after a long day will be remembered for a long time.

Night in the Moon Valley (Wadi Rum Desert)

To survive a real adventure, look at the Wadi Rum desert from above! There are several options: a hang glider, a balloon, and even an ultralight aircraft. Learn more about this here.

Bible Tour

Many sights of Jordan are closely connected with biblical subjects. It is here that you will find the place where Jesus Christ (Wadi Harar) was baptized in the Jordan River, see the cave where Lot took refuge after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the ruins of the castle where John the Baptist and the tomb of Noah died.

An amazing experience can be climbing Mount Nebo (or Nebo), from the top of which Moses saw the Promised Land. Traveling through biblical places, visit the city of Madaba, where in the Church of St. George you can see a mosaic panel of the VI century - a map of the Holy Land.

Mount Sky (or Nebo)


Amman is the capital of Jordan, a white city in which the borders between antiquity and modernity are almost erased. At first you will be amazed at Amman’s grand and majestic amphitheater (II century, capacity of 6000 spectators), which is tightly woven into the architecture of the modern city, then you will understand that this is the only way. Everything in Amman is harmonious and logical - one comes from the other, as throughout the country.

During the day, take a walk around the city, which is about nine thousand years old. On its territory you will find a lot of really interesting sights. Must visit: Jebel al-Qala'ah Citadel along with the Temple of Hercules, the Byzantine Church, the Umayyad Palace, as well as the National Archaeological Museum, the Royal Automobile Museum, the Sanctuary of the Nymphs and the King Abdullah Mosque.

Church of St. John the Baptist in Al Magtas

With the onset of the evening, lights are lit and the city is being transformed. In Amman you can spend time in luxurious restaurants, cafes and fragrant hookahs, and at night go dancing in one of the clubs where the best DJs in the Middle East play.

Evening Amman

Shopaholics will also have something to do - there are countless boutiques and craft shops in the city. Jordan is very famous for its ceramics, colorful hand-woven rugs, jewelry and Dead Sea cosmetics.

Unknown Pearl of the Dead Sea

When deciding to go to the Dead Sea, travelers often choose Israel, although Jordan has no less opportunities to experience the magical effects of healing waters, salts and mud. 20-30 minutes will be enough to nourish the skin with valuable minerals. During this time, you will have time to relax both in body and soul. Local landscapes resemble clouds creeping on the ground - this in itself is a very beautiful sight. We are sure you will like it.

Dead Sea


Jordan does not deprive lovers of beach holidays. Aqaba has beautiful sandy beaches, excellent hotels, many cafes, restaurants and shops. The city is located in the bay of the Red Sea, surrounded by picturesque mountains that create a special microclimate - even in winter the water temperature does not drop below 22 degrees.

Sandy beach in Aqaba (resort on the Red Sea)

This charming resort is fraught with many wonderful entertainment: snorkeling, diving, boat trips with a transparent bottom and even a sea voyage in a submarine! There are several dive centers in Aqaba, so both beginners and professionals will be able to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

The depths of the Red Sea hide coral reefs, sea turtles, small colorful fish, lobsters, crabs and nimble shrimps of amazing beauty. Night diving is a special pleasure.

Aqaba (resort on the Red Sea)

Adventure lovers will surely enjoy jeep safaris, horseback riding, climbing and hiking. It is also worth noting that Jordan is the safest destination in the Arab region, so from here you can plan longer excursions and trips. In fact, everyone has the opportunity to explore the whole country in a few days.

What you need to know when traveling to Jordan

Jordan pass

There are a lot of places in Jordan that you must see with your own eyes. If you don’t like to queue and spend crazy money on tickets, check out the Jordan Pass.

Jordan Pass is a single entry ticket. It gives you the opportunity to freely visit more than forty historical sites and attractions of Jordan, including the ancient cities of Petra and Jerash, the Moon Valley (Wadi Rum), the Citadel and the Roman Theater of Amman, various castles, museums and much more. You can find a complete list of places here.

Ancient Citadel in Amman

With the Jordan Pass, you can save up to 40% on entry fees and also get rid of visa fees. How much does Jordan Pass cost and what needs to be done in order not to pay for a visa, read here.

Visa to Jordan

For Russians, a simplified visa is valid, which can be obtained at the entrance to Jordan. Its cost is 40 dinars (about 3604 rubles). It allows you to make a single entry and stay in the kingdom for no more than two months. The exit tax for foreigners is 5 dinars (about 450.5 rubles).

Apart from the Jordan Pass option, you will not have to pay anything for a visa if you arrive in Jordan as part of a tour for two nights or more (although we recommend at least a week). At the same time, a tourist group should consist of five or more people. Please note that only certain Jordanian tour operators are counted. Learn more about visa to Jordan here.

Wadi Mujib Nature Reserve

How to get there

Everything is very simple. There are direct flights from Moscow to Amman (from 31,500 rubles, travel time 4 hours 30 minutes) and Aqaba (from 19,500 rubles, 4 hours 20-45 minutes). From St. Petersburg you can fly only with a transfer (from 27,700 and 36,500 rubles, respectively). Check the cost of a flight from your city using ticket search engines, and see you in Jordan!

Watch the video: Dear Passport Black Men, Travel Wisely (October 2024).

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