Top 5 Treasure Findings with a Real Chance of Being Lucky

A live acquaintance with ancient legends is undoubtedly more interesting than a usual beach holiday or a cursory inspection of traditional attractions. So all lovers of the adventure genre, pirate legends and treasure hunts have a great opportunity to become the heroes of their favorite books themselves, recharge with the spirit of treasure hunting and give your trip an adventurous romance. We offer you the five most suitable places for finding treasures, where you will have a real chance to try your luck in revealing old mysteries.

Cocos Island (Costa Rica)

This island attracts treasure seekers from all over the world, because it participates in several legends about the treasures hidden here. People come here for the Inca gold, the hiding places of the pirates Benito Bonito, Henry Morgan, William Dampier, as well as for the "treasures of Lima" captain Scott Thompson.

Cocos Island is often called the “Mecca of Treasure Hunters” and is even considered to be the prototype of the island described by Daniel Defoe in the novel Robinson Crusoe and the equally famous Treasure Island by Robert Stevenson.

However, the pursuit of legends is far from the only thing you can do on Coconut. Here truly paradise flora and fauna, diving is widely practiced. What can I say, the whole island is one continuous attraction, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Santa Fe (New Mexico, USA)

However, treasures are hidden not only by kings and pirates. For example, the treasures, for the search of which come to the mountains near Santa Fe, belong to the millionaire Forrest Fenn. They say that somewhere here he hid a chest with three million dollars, and he left the clues exactly where in his autobiography.

A documentary called the Bait, The Lure, has even been shot about the millionaire’s puzzle.

Oak Island (Canada)

On the island of Oak, there is a legend about the "Money Mine", in which there are innumerable treasures. There are several versions of what exactly they hide behind riches there. It can be pirate treasures, Spanish gold or the jewels of the French king.

Over the years, so many attempts have been made to find the mysterious treasure that it has already been overgrown with a legend about the curse, which does not allow you to get to valuable finds.

The island has long been privately owned, but treasure hunters do not stop hoping. Having received special permission, they continue to search until now.

In January, the fourth season of the Oak Island Curse reality show was released on History TV channel, in which the brothers Rick and Marty Lagina are determined to refute the curse, which, according to legend, treasure hunters die.

Rick and Marty on Oak Island.

Wash Bay (UK)

Local legend has it that in the 13th century, the English king John the Landless walked through a swampy area of ​​Wash Bay and lost his crown, as well as all the gold and jewelry that he transported. The fact is that the royal horses drowned, and all the wealth transported on them has sunk into oblivion.

Now the swamps on this territory have long dried up, but the treasure was never found. However, archaeologists and adventurers to this day explore the territory near the Wash Bay in the hope of luck.

Mahe Island (Seychelles)

Mahe is a wonderful place to relax. Here, amazing nature, clean and beautiful beaches, colorful underwater world and interesting sights. But now we are not talking about him.

According to legend, it was on Mahe that the pirate Olivier Levasser hid one of the largest treasures in the history of pirates. His last words before the execution was the phrase: "Find my treasures, who can!". Then he threw a cryptogram to the crowd, in which the whereabouts of gold was encrypted.

Watch the video: WE FOUND TREASURE! (October 2024).

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