The artist travels to stunning places to draw there ... print his shirt

Sometimes it’s really difficult to understand and “survive” art. It’s good when people who are engaged in art work have a good sense of humor. Like, for example, this wonderful creative duet consisting of artist Hank Schmidt and photographer Fabian Schubert. The guys are working on a project called "In the summer I draw", which combines travel, painting and photography. We appreciated it, not only because it is perfectly executed, but also because it is really funny.

The idea is that the duo visits picturesque places where such great artists as Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet or Paul Cezanne were inspired and wrote their work. However, instead of repeating their paintings, Hank draws prints of his shirts. It looks pretty ironic and funny, doesn't it?

Watch the video: "Amazing Realization" Video Preview THREE POINT FIVE - JeffJag (September 2024).

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