From children to old people, all the hellish work in the brick fields of Bangladesh is enough

Tall chimneys blowing thick gray smoke into the sky are a rare sight in Bangladesh. At the moment, about 8 thousand brick kilns operate in the country, where, having forgotten about their health and the environment, local residents work tirelessly.

Take a walk along the brick fields of the Republic of Bangladesh and see everything with our own eyes.

The total population in Bangladesh is approximately 160 million. As a result of active urbanization, many rural residents migrate to cities, giving rise to high demand for low-cost building materials and contributing to the prosperity of brick activities.

To start the production of bricks is not difficult: you need only a small piece of land and an amount of $ 6,000. About six months later, all your investments will be returned to you, increased by 5 times!

Bangladesh is now burning millions of bricks.

Despite the fact that officially the law prohibits the production of bricks closer than 5 kilometers from residential areas, throughout the country such plants are located in close proximity to villages and cities.

The production of bricks here is almost completely manual work, since the technology of 150 years ago is used: clay soil is mixed with water, laid in wooden molds, after which future bricks are dried in the sun and then burned in an oven.

There are no labor protection rules here, and production itself is not regulated in any way. So people are constantly injured and even die, but in terms of improvements, however, nothing changes.

Children are also among the workers and can make up about 10% of employees. For example, this girl working in a brick factory is 10 years old.

For the elderly, there is work too.

These people are engaged in the extraction of raw materials for the production of bricks.

Payment is irregular, and the work is hard and very harmful - these are the realities of labor in local brick fields.

Protective workwear does not exist here, everyone comes up with his own ways to save his hands.

In addition, brick manufacturing is a seasonal business. People remain unemployed for six months.

On brick fields, the payment is piecework. Each worker receives, depending on how many bricks he made and how many heavy loads he can handle. Particularly hardworking and hardy can get about $ 20 a week.

Watch the video: The Real Screams of Hell (October 2024).

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