Fire Festival in Valencia, which is next time better not to miss

Fayyas (Las Fallas) - a celebration of fire, which originated in Valencia and has been held here since ancient times. Versions of its origin differ dramatically. According to one of them, the holiday appeared in the Christian era, when Valencian carpenters made fires on St. Joseph's Day, the patron saint of the city. Adherents of another theory argue that this tradition is much more ancient and originated in pagan times.

We will not argue about the origin of this colorful and cheerful holiday, but only enjoy the stunning photographs taken during Las Fallas this year!

Previously, large dolls were prepared for the celebration, which were famous people of Valencia, but now everything is extremely politicized.

Mariano Rajoy, chairman of the Spanish government, in a dress.

Here you could see the image of Angela Merkel, and next to her - the French politician Marine Le Pen.

There were also politically neutral compositions at the festival, which, it is worth noting, are much more interesting.

Dancing Bollywood.

Although even in this scene you can see images of members of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party.

Not without models of the new US President Donald trump. For example, here he is depicted surrounded by monkeys.

One of the tourists photographs the image of Angela Merkel.

In this composition, Spanish politicians are depicted in the form of maps.

Minister of Defense of Spain.

The figures shown at the Valencia fire festival are called Ninots. Each year, their height becomes more and more, some may even reach 15-20 meters.

Here, President Trump is depicted allegedly building a wall with Mexico.

The grand culmination of the event was the burning of giant dolls. Preparation for the final stage is time consuming and takes place throughout the year.

Huge compositions made of papier-mâché, polystyrene, wax or wood are pre-set for places of future burning. This day in the city was nicknamed "La Planta".

All this enchanted extravaganza looks unusually epic and cool.

This is how the amazing Las Fallas festival in Valencia took place in March this year.

Watch the video: FESTIVAL OF FIRE in Valencia, SPAIN (September 2024).

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