10 oddities that are considered sexual in different nations

The truth is that beauty is a relative concept. So, if we can accept the European canons of beauty as our own, then with other countries everything can turn out quite the opposite. No appearance can be considered an absolute ideal and is liked by the whole world without exception, since each people has its own ideas about attractiveness and sexuality. And here are 10 conclusive examples.

Japan: crooked teeth

While in Western countries people tend to straighten their teeth to become the owners of a perfectly even smile, in Japan they believe that it is crooked teeth that add beauty to a person and make his face very pretty.

West Africa, New Guinea: Scarification

Residents of some African countries and New Guinea deliberately cover their bodies with numerous scars. In men, this procedure is performed during the initiation rite, while in women it is believed that scar tattoos add beauty to them.

South Korea: heart shaped face

In South Korea, plastic surgeries are considered the norm, and exterior correction clinics are posted everywhere. One of the most beautiful features of the image of the Koreans consider a heart-shaped face. For the sake of this, they lie in complex operations to change the shape of the chin, during which the bone breaks into three parts, the middle part is removed, and the two remaining plastic surgeons are connected together, getting an even and pointed chin.

Mauritania: Overweight

Our parameters of the ideal figure are fundamentally different from the Moorish ones. In this country, a woman is not considered attractive if there are not enough fat folds on her body. Since childhood, caring parents have been caring for the beauty of their daughters, giving them to special feeding facilities. In order for the girls to reach the required dimensions by the required age, the caloric content of their diet per day can reach 16,000 kcal.

Iran: surgical bandages on the nose

In Iran, many men and women are literally obsessed with rhinoplasty. The straight nose here not only makes people more beautiful in the eyes of the public, but even gives some status. Due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such an operation, so some especially entrepreneurial residents came up with just sticking a surgical dressing on their nose, thereby pretending to be after rhinoplasty.

China, Thailand: fair skin

In many parts of Asia, white skin is considered the standard of beauty. So cosmetics without a brightening effect are not in great demand here, and the residents themselves are so concerned about this issue that they even came up with special face masks to save their whitened skin from the sun, which spoils all the efforts.

African Fulbe tribe: high forehead

Among Fulbe women in Africa, a forehead is a must-see. Sometimes, to increase their attractiveness, they shave part of their hair from the head, creating the illusion of a high forehead.

Burmese Padaung tribe: long neck

The Padaung tribe in East Burma is especially fascinated by the "female giraffes." The beauties of the tribe specially wear brass rings on their neck to lengthen and extend it, because here everyone believes that the longer the neck, the more beautiful the girl.

Mursi Ethiopian tribe: long lips

Meanwhile, Mursi girls in Ethiopia also strive to be beautiful, so they stretch their lips with special discs. The larger the girl’s drive, the greater social status she has, which means that the more expensive her ransom before the wedding will be.

Tajikistan: eyebrows fused

In many areas of Tajikistan, a common way of beauty is fused eyebrows. People here believe that a single eyebrow of a girl speaks of her chosenness by fate and luck. If the girl was not lucky to be born with such eyebrows, then she has to correct the omission of nature and combine them by drawing a strip on the bridge of her nose.

Watch the video: Top 10 Bizarre Facts About Disney TopTenzNet (October 2024).

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