11 honest photos about how Ukraine lived during the Soviet Union

Ukraine was considered one of the richest and most promising Soviet republics. It has always been famous for its fertile lands, hardworking people and excellent potential. The 80s of the 20th century were quite eventful for this state: there were many important events in the political, economic and social sphere. We suggest you take a look at the pictures taken about 30 years ago in different cities and villages of Ukraine.

Rural wedding

A wedding in the village of Chereshenka near the city of Chernivtsi. USSR, 1988.

In the central market

Girl in the market. USSR, Lviv, 1988.


Group shot of miners. USSR, Donetsk, 1988.

Hard work

An employee of the largest mining engineering enterprise. USSR, Donetsk, 1988.

Service in the synagogue

Synagogue in the city of Chernivtsi. USSR, 1988.

Collective farm miners

The collective farm of miners, which provides them with food. USSR, Donetsk, 1988.

Easter light holiday

Orthodox priests bless food on Easter. USSR, 1988.

Chess Club

Portrait of Lenin in a chess club for children. USSR, Yalta, 1988.

Street scene

View from the central Market Square to Russkaya Street. USSR, Lviv, 1988.

Happy moment

Newlyweds at the Central Wedding Palace. USSR, Kiev, 1988.

Popular board game

Chess players and casual spectators in the park. USSR, Lviv, 1988.

Victory Day

Veterans of World War II came to pay tribute to those killed during the Nazi occupation. USSR, Donetsk, 1988.

Wedding orchestra

Orchestra at a rural wedding in the village of Chereshenka. USSR, 1988.

Festive ceremony

The ceremony in honor of the holiday of the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. USSR, 1988.

Holiday season

Opening of the holiday season on the Black Sea. USSR, Yalta, 1988.

Watch the video: Why Did Soviet Union Fall Apart - Collapse of Soviet Union Explained (October 2024).

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