8 nuances of life in Japan, which will lead the Russian people to bewilderment

Japan is a wonderful country with picturesque views and a high standard of living. But the person who first arrived in this country will have to get used to many inconveniences. Here are some of them:

Price tags

The Russian (and any other foreigner) may get confused with the price of the goods - very often the Japanese price tag shows the price without tax in large numbers, and the other amount is indicated in small print below - already taking into account the tax. But if 税 込 み (ぜ い こ み) is written next to the price, this will mean that the tax is already included in the price.


With a long trip, all tourists get tired of unusual food - I want black bread and sour-milk. Also, many are upset by the abundance of seafood (they are even added to baby food), the lack of variety of cereals, very high prices for fruits and potatoes. By the way, they sell it here individually ...

And if you are a vegetarian, then the search for the right food, in principle, turns into a problem - the point is the national dashi meat broth, on the basis of which most dishes are prepared.

Lack of wifi

Russian is spoiled for good by free WiFi, and you begin to understand this very clearly when you find yourself unable to connect to it at almost any time. In Japan, it is very difficult to find Internet access points, all the more free. And although they say that the situation is gradually changing, but the signals are so weak that you can’t count on a good connection.

Lack of central heating

Despite the relatively low temperatures in the winter season, batteries in Japanese homes are not provided, and the walls are very thin. The central heating system is only in the very north of the country - in Hokkaido Prefecture. Everyone else is freezing. They say that the best cold can be tolerated on the upper floors of new buildings, where recently began to make built-in gas heaters. But on the first floors the frost is notable - the water in the teapot freezes in the morning.


Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that summer came only when cicadas began to sing. These insects are a symbol of romance for the Japanese, and they can not be killed. However, the appearance of cicadas doesn’t seem romantic to any foreigner, and their loud chatter, which is several times higher than the sounds of our grasshoppers, sometimes simply prevents you from falling asleep.

Living conditions

As mentioned above, in Japanese houses there are very thin walls, compared with which our panel ones seem like a strong shelter from neighboring ears. But this is not the worst inconvenience in Japan. The fact is that the apartments here are very cramped. An area of ​​15-20 square meters is considered almost an apartment here. The situation is improving a bit on the outskirts of big cities - there you can find private roomy houses.

Drying clothes

No matter how funny it may sound, in the summer season drying clothes is really a big problem. Wet sea air significantly slows down the drying of things, and if you accidentally leave your clothes at night, it is likely to find it even more humid in the morning.

Lack of garbage bins in the streets

In our country, we are used to the fact that garbage cans are not at every step, but quite often. In Japan, you have to try to find a place where you can throw a wrapper, a jar or other garbage. Most often, urns are placed next to jidohambai street vending machines so that you can immediately throw away the drunk can and bottle.

Watch the video: The Japanese Language (October 2024).

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