World War I through the eyes of women: 7 unique historical photos

War is traditionally associated and associated with men - with their actions, exploits and their views on this terrible, destructive event. And the more we think about wars in the context of male experience, the more interesting is the new exhibition of photographs No Man's Land: Women's Photography and the First World War, which opened at the Impressions Gallery in the British city of Bradford.

This exhibition is unique and unusual in that it demonstrates an exclusively feminine look at the events of the First World War. Most of the photos are authored by Olive Edis and Florence Farmborough, as well as other female photographers. Many of the photographs exhibited in the gallery are very rare and interesting exhibits. It took a tremendous amount of time to search for them in the numerous archives of Great Britain and Scotland.

The exhibition No Man's Land: Women's Photography and the First World War is designed to show that women, despite the generally accepted opinion, never remained aloof from the tragic events of the war. They were not distracted observers, but active participants, without which the fate of all states could have developed completely differently.

We present to your attention several vivid historical photographs from an extensive series that everyone can see in the Impressions Gallery until December 30.

Watch the video: Top 30 Shocking World War 2 Photos Which Will Give You A Tough Time To Absorb. Fun Facts (October 2024).

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