In which countries do they pay cash rewards for losing weight?

In some countries of the world, hunger and poverty have already been defeated, as well as the creation of an effective health system that takes care of the well-being of the population. But before the governments of these developed countries had a sigh of relief, another, no less dangerous problem arose - obesity.

A sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, overeating and an abundance of fast food have led residents of quite prosperous countries of the world to suffer from obesity. Official statistics are simply shocking.

Unfortunately, Russia does not lag behind the rest of the world: in our country, according to various estimates, from 22 to 25% of the population suffers from obesity. And here is the picture of the spread of this disease in the regions of the country.

Meanwhile, obesity has long turned from aesthetic discomfort into a problem that threatens human health. Excess weight leads to the emergence of many diseases, which, ultimately, significantly reduces the life expectancy of the population.

The leadership of many countries was seriously concerned about solving this problem. All means were launched: propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, numerous gyms and nutrition specialists, scientific institutes and the latest pharmacological developments, as well as various television shows designed to help people lose weight. But alas, all these funds did not have the proper effect, and the situation remains far from the norm.

For this reason, quite original measures have been taken in some countries to combat obesity. Since there was almost no hope for the consciousness of citizens, it was decided to stimulate the process with the help of material incentives for losing weight.

One of the first countries to declare war on obesity with monetary rewards was Britain. According to experts, more than 12 million adult British people suffer from obesity, but even worse, about 1 million children. A public project was organized with the help of everyone who could participate. At the end of the project, cash payments were made for each gram of weight lost.

The example of Great Britain was followed by Canada, more than 20% of whose citizens also suffer from obesity. Similar projects exist in some other countries of the world.

But the United Arab Emirates went farthest. This state of the Middle East has long been experiencing a shortage of funds. Bathing in luxury and accustomed to excesses in everything, including nutrition, the citizens of this country often cross the line beyond which it is not so easy to part with extra pounds.

Therefore, the state decided to come to their aid and to encourage all comers financially. But here the state program is implemented with the luxury typical of the region: remuneration is paid in gold. Anyone who wants to lose weight can take part in a project organized with Dubai funds. A reward for hardworking citizens will be 1 gram of gold for every kilogram of weight lost.

Watch the video: Emirati weight loss programme rewards participants in gold (September 2024).

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