Features of Cuban catering

In Cuba, inexpensive catering establishments are called peso restaurants. However, to call them "restaurants" in the sense in which we understand this word will be reckless - these are more like canteens. The food is extremely greasy and almost tasteless: fried chickens or pigs, rice, beans, potatoes, canned vegetables and cabbage. In principle, it is now clear where all those sexual mulattos that I saw 15 years ago have gone.

Nevertheless, in Old Havana, we found several places for tourists: each of them turned out to be quite comfortable and played live music ...

Let me remind you, the prices for local residents and for tourists differ 25 times due to another currency (foreigners can only use a convertible peso, whose rate is 25 times higher than usual).

Beer XXL - a jug with a tap for the whole evening.

Interesting beer-based cocktails.

Musicians play very well and from the heart. Many guests can not stand it and start dancing.

Dancing at the tables.

Tipsy tourists take maracas and rush to join the vocal and instrumental ensemble.

Let's look at the kitchen. As I said, fatty and unappetizing dishes are popular.

Churos is cooked right in front of you - this is a sweet pastry fried in boiling oil from custard dough, which in cross section looks like a five-pointed star.

Then this strip is cut into pieces and sold in pockets, like french fries.

Locals really like sandwiches with sausage and cheese. They are sold on every corner.

Inside there is a lot of oily filling.

Shops resemble the Soviet Union: empty shelves, shortages and sad sellers. This one reminded me of an episodic hero from the movie "Back to the Future."

Something is being poured.

Locals are very fond of freshly squeezed juices.

Beer on tap on the street.

Coffee to go.

Watch the video: What is Cuban-Chinese Food? Dining on a Dime (September 2024).

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