Unique places on earth that glow at night

Our planet is truly beautiful and amazing, it is difficult to even imagine how many special places on it are distinguished by their unique atmosphere and beauty. A lifetime is not enough to visit them all. For example, now we will tell you about such incomparable corners where to go best to go at night, because it is in the dark that they are most magically transformed into something absolutely incredible and amazing. Compare their appearance day and night, and you yourself will see everything!

Waitomo Cave (New Zealand) at night is highlighted by many unique fireflies Arachnocampa luminosa, which live only in this region

In the forests of the Asian subtropics, Mycena chlorophos mushrooms grow, which at night acquire a gentle neon glow

Forests of Tennessee once a year in spring, thanks to numerous fireflies, turn dark into the most magical place with the onset of darkness

In Alberta (Canada) you can see the northern lights at night.

Meeting a night near Kilauea volcano (Hawaii), you can see how sulfur vapor is very beautifully illuminated by the fire of melting rock

On the Uyuni salt marsh (Bolivia), the surface is so smooth and the horizon is so clean that the sense of depth is completely lost

In Forest Park (New York), as in other forests of North America, luminescent mushrooms grow

Glowing squids in Toyama Bay (Japan) that swam too close to shore

Thanks to the light coming from outside the cave, the water in the Blue Grotto (on the island of Capri in Italy) looks like it is highlighted

Watch the video: Weird Places: The Glowing Blue Lava at Kawah Ijen (September 2024).

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