30 million: where is the most densely populated city in the world located and what it lives

More than 7.5 billion people live on our planet. The most populous country in the world is China, with 1.37 billion inhabitants. And it is not surprising that the largest city in terms of population is also located in this country. But few people know what it is called. This is not Beijing, not Hong Kong and not Shanghai, but the city of Chongqing. We offer to see what the largest settlement of the Celestial Empire looks like and what is its rapid growth based on.

Chongqing is located on the Yangtze River at the confluence of the Jialingjiang River. Interestingly, the most populated city in China and the world is not even an administrative center, it is simply a city of central subordination. It is the largest industrial center of Sichuan. But at the same time, Chongqing is not a city consisting solely of enterprises, skyscrapers and expressways. As a matter of fact, the urbanized zone occupies less than 2% of the city’s area, and the rest of the territory is occupied by the suburban and rural areas included in Chongqing. According to official figures, in 2015 on an area of ​​82.4 km2 30.16 million people lived. Where do all these people work?

The city is China's largest industrial center, whose economy is booming. According to eyewitnesses, Chongqing is changing right before our eyes, and those who were here a couple of years ago sometimes can not recognize entire neighborhoods in the city.

Chongqing is one of China's four leading automotive centers. There are 5 factories involved in the production of cars and about 200 enterprises producing components for cars. The total productivity of these facilities is 200,000 cars per year.

Another important component of the city’s economy is metallurgy. Chongqing has two large steelmaking companies and an aluminum plant. In addition, the city has several chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, as well as a plant for the production of smartphones.

Residents of non-industrial areas are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, which is quite typical for rural areas.

Chongqing has a lot of young people and highly skilled workforce. About 1000 research institutes and 25 higher educational institutions are located here.

The metropolis has a favorable geographical position, and its transport infrastructure is quite consistent with its status. Currently, the city has one airport and two more are under construction.

Chongqing Airport

One of the most important points is its location on one of the largest navigable rivers in the world - the Yangtze. After the construction of the reservoir in 2006, the port of Chongqing was able to receive large-capacity vessels, which served as an additional incentive for the development of the city.

Chongqing built 25 bridges. But the most remarkable of them is the Chaotianmen bridge on the Yangtze River. It is known for having the world's longest arched span.

Of course, in Chongqing there are subways and train stations. Interestingly, the most populated city in the world is located in a hilly area. The river is intricately intertwined with the mountainous terrain, and houses and shopping centers are often located on the slopes.

This is how this megalopolis looks, the scale and speed of development of which are simply amazing. Today, Chongqing, along with other industrial centers of the country, personifies the economic power and sustainable development of all of China.

Watch the video: Top 10 megacity in the world. (September 2024).

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