Architects created a project of a modern summer dream house with a roof-pool

Is there someone here who is not enthralled by the thought of a summer vacation in a house on the coast with a panoramic pool? Anti Reality has taken this dream to the next level by designing ultra-modern holiday accommodation, the roof of which is itself a swimming pool. Just imagine: in the morning after a cup of coffee you dive into a large, stylish pool to enjoy the dawn horizon of the sea.

The creation of the architectural bureau is a compact but very comfortable house, the area of ​​which does not exceed hundreds of square meters. It can be placed on the seashore and even on coastal cliffs. In it, not only the pool is absolutely cool, but also huge panoramic windows, thanks to which you can literally live in the fresh air.

Moreover, the structure of the building and the arrangement of windows are arranged so that the house can be as “open” or “closed” as the owner wishes. And to the roof-pool is a staircase located outside the house. Just look at this miracle of architecture!

Watch the video: Inside the luxury two swimming pool house - World's Most Extraordinary Homes - BBC Two (September 2024).

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