Popular stereotypes about 10 countries that are actually far from the truth

It is difficult to say for sure where exactly the various stereotypes about other peoples come from, but if they settled in our subconscious, then getting rid of them is not so easy. Today we will talk about the most popular cliches that instantly appear in your head, you just have to mention this or that country. That's just, in truth, they are all pretty outdated, which means that it's time to part with them!

In Spain, the main sport is bullfighting

Such a stereotype of the Spaniards even offends, because their favorite sport is football, and bullfighting is a historical heritage, which most modern residents of the country do not approve of.

In the UK, it is customary to eat oatmeal for breakfast, and drink tea at 5 o’clock

In fact, a traditional English breakfast is not a mess at all, as many people think, but a much more nutritious and less healthy dish. So, for breakfast, the inhabitants of this country prefer scrambled eggs, sausages, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and toasts with salted butter. And speaking of the notorious five o'clock, it is worth noting that this tradition is often no longer respected.

In Japan, sushi is the most popular dish.

The fact is that sushi is generally very rarely seen on the table of an average Japanese, and the most popular dish is ramen noodles.

In the Netherlands, everyone loves and uses intoxicants

Well, this opinion is mutual: the Dutch also believe that all tourists come here only for weed. However, they themselves do not use drugs, and many even consider smoking grass below their dignity. As official data show, only 5.4% of the country's inhabitants regularly use stupefying substances, which is lower than the European average, 6.8% there.

In Sweden, Carlson is the most famous fairy-tale character.

Because of this prejudice, many tourists try to find souvenirs with Carlson here while visiting Sweden, but in fact the Swedes do not like this character, believing that he has a bad character and sets a bad example for children. But who really likes them is the funny and kind girl Peppy Long Stocking.

Australian Capital - Sydney

Such a judgment is very common, but the capital of this country is the city of Canberra.

Mexico is a poor and extremely dangerous country

This opinion is the merit of American films, where Mexico is now and then presented as a poor and suspicious country in which drug dealers operate. In reality, this state is far from poor, some of its areas have long surpassed the United States in terms of living standards and social security. In addition, most of Mexico and its inhabitants are hospitable and good-natured towards tourists.

Estonians speak very slowly

Despite the fact that the rhythm of life in this country is really measured, its inhabitants are by no means slow. As for the pace of speech, they are still talkers. The sense of slowness of Estonian speech can be explained by the frequent use of double vowels in this language.

In France, they prefer gourmet dishes, but they don’t eat fast food at all.

Earlier, the French state did not really welcome the opening of fast food restaurants, but now relief has become permissible in the laws. According to statistics, in recent years the revenue of fast food restaurants is several times higher than the profit of traditional institutions.

It's always cold in Canada

Canada, like Russia, seems to many foreigners a distant country with earflaps and bears. However, only the northern territory of Canada is covered with snow, but 90% of the inhabitants live in the south of the country, where all four seasons are pronounced.

Watch the video: 70 People Reveal Their Country's Most Popular Stereotypes and Clichés. Condé Nast Traveler (October 2024).

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