The only village in China where they still live according to the coupons and principles of Mao Zedong

It seems like nothing has remained of communist China for a long time, and Mao’s fundamental principles have been buried in the past, but an amazing fact, one of the Chinese villages stubbornly refuses to succumb to the onslaught of world imperialism. The last bastion of communism in the country, the village of Nanji, still wakes up to the classical anthem of the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, sounding from loudspeakers.

When the whole country began actively introducing market relations, the village of Nanji decided not to go astray and continued to be strictly guided by the principles of Mao Zedong. Now more than 3,000 residents live here, who, in addition to free housing, healthcare, food and education, also receive a modest salary.

Maoism is a trend in the communist movement that has developed within the framework of Marxism-Leninism and is associated with the teachings of Mao Zedong.

Dance Art School in Nanji Village.

Shelves here look quite ordinary. And this is one of the customers with a food card.

A statue of Mao Zedong rises in Nanji Square. There are a lot of depictions of the late chairman.

In the West, Maoism lost popularity when the public became aware of numerous facts of atrocious crimes since the Cultural Revolution.

Two police officers stand guard next to the statue of Mao Zedong, which is also surrounded by portraits of Karl Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

Apparently, instant noodles are very popular here - they carry it with huge wagons.

And this is a production line for its manufacture.

The building itself and the apartments in it belong to the municipality, which provides residents with social housing.

Cars full of tourists in a square in the village of Nanji.

There is little car traffic on the roads, so these lawn mowers move freely along the roadway.

Children learn martial arts.

Free meals at the nursing home.

A souvenir shop, wherever there were portraits of Mao Zedong, is not to be found here.

CHP in Nanji is replete with slogans and portraits.

This is how food stamps in Nanji look.

Portraits of Soviet leaders: Lenin and Stalin.

The tractor, which contains bags of wheat flour, passes under the banner "Develop a collective farm."

Watch the video: Real Reason Why China Wants To Expand (October 2024).

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