Well of Thor: even the most reckless divers do not dive here

On the Pacific coast is one of the most mysterious places on our planet, which is called the Well of Torah. Every day at high tide, amazing things happen here, the exact explanation of which scientists can not yet find. Among travelers and photographers, this place is called the "Gate to Hell."

An unusual funnel in the coastal tidal strip is located on Cape Perpetua, in Oregon on the west coast of the United States. The diameter of the funnel is about 5 meters, but its exact depth is still not known.

During high tide, seawater begins to fill the funnel, and after a few seconds it is thrown out. Then the water, bubbling and foaming, again fills the well, and such a pulsation continues until the ebb tides. When water leaves the well, a fountain up to 6 meters high may form. The picturesque sight attracts many tourists on the coast.

At low tide, that water that has not gone into the sea gradually disappears from the funnel. Scientists believe that there are several holes in the walls of the well through which water seeps into the system of passages and underground channels at low tide. Researchers are of the opinion that an underground labyrinth may be located in this region, one of the outputs of which is the Well of Torah.

The coast itself has a volcanic past, and its formation was influenced by constant eruptions. The current St Helens stratovolcano, located not so far from Cape Perpetua, also testifies to the turbulent past of the region. Frozen lava could form bizarre rocks permeated by underground caves and passages, one of which is the Well of Thor. Divers do not risk descending there, as there is a risk that powerful currents exist in the well and cave corridors associated with it. A gale wind often blows here, and the stones on the edge of the funnel are very slippery, so it is very difficult to lower any equipment in a short period of low tide.

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