The highest temperature on Earth or where to fry eggs without fire

Do you know where you can fry fried eggs in the sand? I remember there was such a bike in geography classes. And TravelAsk knows. And will certainly tell you.

The Big Bang Theory

Theoretically, the maximum possible temperature is 142 nonillion Kelvin (for those who are not particularly strong in large numbers, nonillion is 30 zeros). It simply cannot be higher, otherwise everything will turn into pure energy. According to scientists, in the history of the Earth, this absolute maximum happened during the Big Bang. It was then that our planet appeared. This temperature is also called Planck temperature.

The maximum recorded temperature

The maximum air temperature was recorded in Iran in the Desht Lut desert. The thermometer column here rose to 71 degrees Celsius. This maximum was recorded in 2005.

Deshte Loot is one of the driest places on the planet. Its area is about 52 thousand square kilometers. Most of the desert is covered with takyrs and salt marshes, and on its southern side there are extensive sand dunes.

On its territory, by the way, is one of the highest dunes of the world: it is 407 meters high.

These dunes, despite the sweltering heat, attract tourists.

The highest yards in this Iranian desert are the slopes, which have bizarre shapes due to the constant winds.

Here their height reaches 80 meters.

Waterless place

Deshte Lut in Persian means "sand desert, waterless place." And indeed, water can only be found in the south, where the salt marsh basin of Nepekzar is located. In spring, a shallow lake forms here.

Vegetation in the desert is also almost impossible to see, although this should not be surprising. Basically, in this cemetery under the sun grows tamarisk and desert lichen, and in its central part, the hottest place, these meager plants can not be found. Moreover, even bacteria do not live here.

There are oases on the edge of the desert. However, they are not particularly rich in greenery. Here a river flows, which periodically dries up. It is very salty, and in some places flows like thick sour cream.

Residents living in the vicinity of the desert say amazing things: if you leave a loaf of bread in Deshte Loot, it will burn.

And still record highs

For the most curious: in second place, the highest temperature was recorded in Queensland in Australia and amounted to 69 degrees. In third place is the Turpan depression in China. Then the abnormally high heat forced the thermometers to rise to +67 degrees. With all this, the average temperature in this region usually does not exceed +39 degrees.

Watch the video: Cooking an Egg With No HeatThree "Impossible" Things To Do With Eggs (September 2024).

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