Wedding of the year: photos of the magic ceremony of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

On May 19, one of the brightest and most expensive events of the year took place - the wedding of Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle. After the wedding of King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, Megan became the first American to join the royal family. Edward VIII due to marriage had to abandon the throne.

The wedding took place in Windsor Castle, more than two thousand guests were invited to it, including many celebrities. Many residents of London came to see the ceremony.

Megan wore a dress from Givenchy, and designers of Dege & Skinner, one of the best ateliers on the planet, worked on Harry's costume.

Western media estimated that the ceremony cost about $ 45 million. However, experts believe that she will collect a lot more - about 680 million.

The newlyweds refused gifts: they asked the guests to make donations to charity funds.

Let's see how the ceremony went.

Hundreds of residents of the capital came to see the ceremony

With American and English flags, they greeted the newlyweds.

Some came early in the morning to take good places.

And the biggest fans spent the night in a sleeping bag waiting for the ceremony

George and Amal Clooney ...

... Oprah Winfrey

... Victoria and David Beckham - this is only a small part of famous guests

Prince Harry arrived at the wedding with his older brother William

But the bride arrived

She is gorgeous!

Megan goes to the altar

Exchange of vows ...

... and rings

Newly married spouses leave the chapel

The first conjugal kiss in public

After the ceremony, the newlyweds traveled around London in a carriage

Then they were waited by a solemn reception where close guests were invited (about six hundred people). On a honeymoon, the newlyweds went to Namibia.

Watch the video: Official wedding photos of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (September 2024).

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