Photos and facts proving that Japan is not like any other country

You probably know that Japan is the birthplace of anime, sumo wrestlers and sakura. But besides this, it is also a country where they came up with super-innovative toilets, where fresh eggs are sold in vending machines, and a train delay of 20 seconds causes a real scandal! We bring to your attention ten facts and pictures about Japanese life, inventions and culture, which prove that this is a completely unique country and nation.

Bus drivers in Japan strike very strangely. They continue to travel along routes, refusing to accept passenger fees.

On cans with drinks there is an inscription made in braille.

Japanese fans remain after World Cup matches to help tidy up the stadium.

Most latrines have special child seats attached to the walls.

This is what hospital food looks like in Japanese hospitals.

Here you can often find toilets of this kind. Wash your hands, and then use the same water to drain the toilet.

Manhole covers in Japan are beautiful.

Most Japanese schools do not have cleaners. Instead, students are removed from school, in gratitude for being taught how to become more productive members of society.

The note says: "I accidentally stumbled upon your bike and broke the bell. I'm really sorry."

This picture is about how Japanese trains run.

Watch the video: Photos That Prove Japan Is Not Like Any Other Country (September 2024).

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