The incredible adventures of the Russian language in American films: the funniest inscriptions

Quite often in the USA, directors include characters from Russia in the plot, as a result of which they have to recreate Russian realities, which means that they can’t do without inscriptions in Russian. However, despite the fabulous budgets, in American films and TV shows, film figures in most cases prefer to save on a Russian translator and get out on their own. Looking at the result, we can say with confidence that electronic translators, dictionaries, somewhere heard words, and sometimes even a random set of letters of our alphabet are used.

Someone may be offended by the great and mighty Russian language, but on the other hand, how ridiculous to find such awkward mistakes in American cinema. Films about Jason Bourne, "Independence Day", "Agents of" Sch.I.T. "," 12 Monkeys "," Hitman "," Legends of Tomorrow "- it seems, you can list endlessly. But we have a better idea: let's look at those same shots once more and laugh again!

Watch the video: Watch This Before You Go See Joker (September 2024).

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