Lyrebird - the guru of imitation, in the arsenal of which the chainsaw roars and car alarms

No one in the world of birds can boast of such a repertoire as a lyrebird. He has such a talent for imitation that he can easily trill any bird, and also depict the sound of a car alarm, the shutter click of the camera and the roar of a working chainsaw. About why he needs it, we will tell in our review.

Lyrebirds, and all of them in nature, there are two species, live in Australia. These are flightless birds, whose males have magnificent tails. These birds build a nest on the ground, and the female lays only one egg, from which, after 50 days, a chick appears.

Males reveal their talent for imitating sounds during the mating season, although at other times of the year you can hear their incredible singing. Scientists believe that by depicting everything in a row, including very unusual sounds that are not distinguished by beauty and melody, the lyrebird males thus try to achieve the arrangement of females. And here is the performer himself, whose song we propose to listen to.

Watch the video: The lyre bird can imitate ANY sound it hears (October 2024).

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